I've always liked windmills. They are quickly disappearing from the countryside. As a ranch hand cowboy, my dad worked on many windmills. At the Pie Place he lost a big piece of a finger in a motor they had on the pump. A trip to Grants, NM, to get his finger attached.
There was nothing sweeter than to get to a windmill with a nice tank of fresh water when you were riding horseback on a hot day. Reminds me of the Axtel windmill story. An easy day at the Pie Place to check on the Sierra del Oro windmill .. not easy, read here. https://jocastilloartblog.blogspot.com/search?q=axtel+windmill
I have painted many windmills over the years. There are a few in this post https://jocastilloartblog.blogspot.com/2018/01/late-post-for-new-years-windmill.html
Wind Not Needed
Pastel, 12 x 9 inches on Pastelbord
I take photos of windmills whenever I can. This one is special don't you think? I'm pretty sure this one runs on electricity and doesn't need the wind. Because the fan is still on the windmill, maybe they have the fan operational and the pump will work by motor or wind. I wonder....
This pastel painting is on my website now, $275, unframed, free postage in USA. https://www.jocastilloart.com/workszoom/3979579#/ I publish new paintings first on my newsletter with a 15% discount. Sign up for my newsletter to get the lower price.
The gurus of marketing advise to not call your newsletter a newsletter. What?? Would you be more inclined to sign up for my news which I send out every 2-4 weeks if I called it an e-mail and not a newsletter? Another, I wonder......
Don't know if I would be happy walking 16 miles. You have such interesting stories! Nowadays a cellphone would come in handy...if there was cell service out there. lol I like windmills too, but there aren't too many around. The ones we have here have big blades. Haven't drawn one in a long time.
Ha, Joan. You're right, probably would have been easier with cell phones. There wasn't any phone there at all in those days. They probably still need to have satellite phones. You sketch lots of interesting things. I loved the hot dog stand a few days ago.
Windmills are great, and this is a nice painting. We used to count windmills on our way to NM. It was a way for keeping us kids quiet and busy in the backseat of the car.
Email sounds like a personal letter. Newsletters seem to go out to everyone, which is what yours is. I don't think I notice words like this as being better or worse than others. 'But when I get an email from you, I think "Yay! A letter from Jo!" I might be disappointed if the email went to a whole list of people. I never really liked those Christmas newsletters that people put in their Christmas cards. Of course, I read them and enjoyed them, but they were not so great as a personal letter or note or phone call :)
Thank you Bag Blog. Good pastime in the car for sure. Yes, I'm not sure about the newsletter, I don't think wording makes much difference in the actual sign up.
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