**Note - A friend of ours, Briana, is going to China with the Youth Orchestra of San Antonio. Congratulations to her and the orchestra. What an experience, eh?
Juneteenth is celebrated in Bastrop with a parade, speeches, food and more. All the green shirts in the photos are a family reunion group. There were many of those folks on the sidelines. It is always fun to see the excitement of the kids. Here are a few photos of the parade downtown.

The Lock Drug Store in the photo has been there forever and has one of the last soda fountains around. It is still the place to go for ice cream and sit at one of the old tables or on a stool at the fountain. I was disappointed, though, that the actual machine that spews out the soda water is not functioning. They used bottled soda water for my soda. So sad. They do use Blue Bell Ice Cream, the best in the world! The creamery in Brehnam, Texas, "eats all they can and sells the rest". We took our grandchildren on a tour a few years ago.

Enjoyed your parade! I 100% agree with Blue Bell Ice Cream being the best in the world...... particularly the Banana Pudding flavor when it's in season... HEAVENLY!!! I have a friend who lives in Houston, TX, and we toured the Blue Bell facilities. Yummy!!! Unfortunately, no Blue Bell Ice Cream here in NC... I may have to move.
I read something recently that said Juneteenth celebrations were few and far between. I guess they haven't been to Bastrop.
vw: slycepie - I happened to have made a peach pie today and this seemed appropriate for my VW.
My favorite Blue Bell flavor is White Chocolate Almond. I haven't had any of that in a couple of years, though. Yummy.
Teresa, thanks, the parade wasn't big, but the family sure was!! Nice morning for them. Blue Bell butter pecan is MAYBE my favorite.
Bag Blog, your vw is more than appropriate. Peach pie sounds great. I haven't noticed any other Juneteenth celebrations nearby, but that doesn't mean there weren't any.
Joanna, oh, I forgot about that. Hmmm, butter pecan or white chololate almond or ...... All so yummy.
Sounds like it was a fun day. I get many painting references from parades. Kids have a lot of fun too. Nice sketches by the way.
Hi Ron, thank you for stopping by. Apperciate the comments. I do love a parade!
Great visiting your blog this morning and learning more about
Bastrop - sure sounds like my kind of town. What a fun parade...but why am I suddenly craving ice cream? Love your sketches!
Rosemary, thanks. Coming home from Austin tonight, I was thinking ice cream. Doesn't happen often, I prefer salty like French fries, but tonight I was thinking Blue Bell!
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