I sketched a little at the studio on the last day of Scavenger Hunt 181, but didn't get them posted. I used a Prismacolor brown pencil in the large sketchbook. Probably 5 - 10 minutes each.

Number 2, box and number 3, cord. The set up was for my class on Friday afternoon - still life of peaches, plums and pears.

Number 4, bottle. The Pecan Oil bottle I used for another still life. Very pretty yellow oil in it.
Byrd and Street at the Roadhouse on Friday night. They are great musicians and such nice people. Both are visual artists as well. I have some of their prints and CDs for sale at my studio. (By the way, you can click on Jo's Studio/Gallery above to see photos of my studio. There is a calendar up at the top of my blog, too.) It was nice on the deck after the sun went down. Check their calendar and go have a listen in the Austin area. They just got back from Colorado, too.
Gene found this "stick bug" on the rail to the front porch.

Hanging upside down. Hmmm.

A close up with the photo turned upside down. Very "stick" looking bug, about 4 inches long.
Wow...love that stick bug!
Joanna, we don't see them often, but once in a while. They are hard to see on plants I bet, probably why. Ha.
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