I am an artist that paints in pastels, with some oils, and acrylics. I sketch in pen and ink. As an artist my original paintings are influenced from living in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Bolivia, Peru and Chile, and travels throughout much of Canada and all our fifty States. This is my spot for posting paintings and sketches, to muse mostly about art, life and a little about UT Baseball.
As long as he's not a missing elderly!
Joanna, that is for sure. He hasn't seen this yet! :-)
Yes he has and he does not think it is all that funny!
Guess we will leave "the elderly" as anonymous then. :)
Jo: My, who is that good looking elderly guy. Why, I think I know him. Have fun with all the baseball.
Are you still babysitting? (The pups, not the elderly...) Please tell anonymous the rest of us thought it was funny. Both sketches look very good!
I do so admire your dedication to your sketching! And did I see colored pencil in there? ;-)
Regina, Hi! The grand-dogs went home yesterday. Thanks, the elderly chuckled at your remarks.
Teresa, Thank you. Yes, I can suffer a few minutes of coloring in. CP requires patience which I don't have.
fishing guy, yes, you know him. Ha. Baseball has been great. Keeps us busy, though, I don't get to post as much.
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