The sketches are for the Scavenger Hunt 16. They are in a generic sketchbook about 6 x 10 inches and with the Pigma Micron 05 pen, dark brown. I took the photos under a lamp so they were very yellow and I turned them to black and white for posting.
#9, the kitchen chair is out of perspective. I like the feel, though. You can see some of the correcting lines. I'm still trying not to erase or start over. It is training the eye to see better.

#10, Silverware, is an old silver spoon. It hardly has any shine, so must have been silver plated. #11, an egg, is interesting. Very difficult in the pen and ink to get the soft shading, may try it in pointillism and see if that is better. And, #12, Nuts, are some mixed nuts from a can.

#13, a houseplant. This is a bucket that Jennie gave me, red, white and blue. It looks a little squashed .. just my sketch. It is in very good shape.

I was wondering if you'd dropped the bucket or something. 'Glad it's just your sketch. :)
Ha. I was watching a movie on TV and I guess I was a little "side" tracked. Anyhoo....
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