I'm itching to work all over the painting (including background) and not go in stages right to left and down. Interesting to see how it goes. I would work quicker as well, difficult to wait for the lesson. :) Others are having the same problem. Of course the instructor is in New Zealand and working on 41 different artists' submissions. Lots of work for him.
Hopefully tomorrow I will work on some other paintings. It is cold here for a change and we won't be playing golf or doing much outside. right now it is 35 degrees. Brrr.

The hair in your painting looks a lot like the hair in the photo. At least, the photo of the two together look pretty similar. It may be that the photo does something to equalize them but it looks good to me. I guess we'll see, eh?
As you say, the photo does something. :) I started putting in the forehead. I had to wipe the hair off, I don't see how he puts the skin tone back up between the hair strands. He starts with lemon yellow and adds burnt sienna and puts it on with a watercolor brush. Hmmmm.
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