Pastels have been calling to me. The Hunt list had flower on it. Luckily I didn't have to sketch the geranium even though it is blooming, too. We got a Christmas cactus from a friend when she moved. It is in a silver sort of plastic bowl. I never expected it to bloom with no drainage and had no idea it would have white blooms. Very pretty. It wasn't watered for the five weeks or so when we were in Austin and maybe longer as I only remember to water the three plants I have in the house about every two weeks. I brought in the geranium after the first freezing day and am surprised to see my 4th plant blooming.
For Scavenger Hunt from Life 144
Number 5 flower - the cactus in pastel on a wiped off piece of paper, maybe Lux Archival, 9 x 12 inches. I worked on it for over an hour and then decided I didn't want to spend more time than that on a sketch and there is way too much detail to keep on. I cropped this which I don't like to do but just to show you. Cropping a finished painting is contrary to my thoughts. The point of interest and eye level change and doesn't look right. But that is just me.
My set up.
The two bloomers.
So, so pretty. It is hard to photograph white objects as you know. I should ask Larry about that.
The frost this morning was pretty....
I don't think I've ever seen a white Christmas cactus. It was a nice find!
Joan, thanks. I was shocked when I saw the buds. It looks like about 10 blooms.
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