Yellow is my most least favorite color. Which explains why I don't do much with brown either, which is really a dark yellow. I'm not very pleased to see "yellow" on a sketching list for the Hunts. However, I did it to myself. I made this current list with Texas towns on it and put Amarillo (yellow) on it. What was I thinking.
In our house you might find yellow bananas, yellow cleaning towels, rubber gloves and tool handles. Not even sticky notes, I buy different colors. So for sketching in the big book it is hard to find something that I haven't already sketched. Luckily while I was looking for something Gene walked by with his yellow Gatorade in his hand, going on his trike ride.
Number 10, yellow - Gatorade
Number 11, rosebud - on the shiny red candy box
This was done very quickly free hand in the big book with a Micron 02.
lol that was great he walked in with that
im not a huge yellow fan either, it gets dirty so easily when using it
Jennifer Rose, Hi there! I'm not fond of yellow in the house, never wear it, etc. Not sure why. Don't use enough to get it dirty. Ha. Thanks.
Love that you saw the Gatorade and thought of using it for yellow. lol Yellow isn't one of my favorite colors either which make painting that yellow plane at the aerodrome hard for me...and it was so much yellow. lol
Joan, thanks, I'm always on the Hunt for yellow. It is not often on the list. Happy you found the airplane. You did such a beautiful job on it.
If anyone wants to go see Joan's yellow airplane it is here
Who could not like yellow? I is difficult to paint with sometimes, but it is green that makes me crazy. Nice sketches.
Bag Blog, Yellow is definitely not my thing. Painting is OK but having it around is not. Ha.
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