Sketching on the porch in the mornings has been delightful. Thursday was very cool, about 67 degreees F. Friday and Saturday, too. In the high 90s in the afternoons. Hopefully summer will soon be over.
I'm trying to get the big book finished by Christmas. It will be 5 years I think. Seems like much longer, ha. Jennie expected me to finish in a couple of years. It is 300 pages and I sketched on both sides so would have had to do a page a day almost. No way ....
These are for Scavenger Hunt 693 in the big book with a variety of inks. One challenge for the Hunt was to sketch directly in ink. That is my usual mode, so an easy challenge for me.
Number 1 alphabet - I was going to sketch Scrabble tiles which I have done several times before so decided to find an alternative alphabet. Thus the phonebook.
Number 2, spoon
Number 3, restful - a spoon rest
Number 4, lemon
You can click the images to see them larger.
Today no sketching. Our adult kiddos are coming to celebrate my birthday, which is tomorrow. We will eat pizza and play some Telefunken. A progressive rummy game we learned in Bolivia. It will be a good day and we can remember the first responders at the Trade Center in 2001. Hope you think of them as well.
I sketched on a coaster while waiting for Gene to get his check up. I had to wait outside so sketched the window by the entrance. It was hot but I was in the shade on a bench with a breeze.
Number 5, universal - the No Smoking Sign in the window. White limestone walls. About 10 minutes.
Number 6, moon - with the association of moon - night - day - sun - sunlight
In the big book with a Micron 02 and colored pencil the light on the tree and grass, early morning. About 40 minutes.
Hope your weekend is great. Beautiful and peaceful here.
Happy Birthday!! hope you have a good day 😀
Jennifer Rose, Thank you so much!! It was a great day. Lots of good company and fun. Got a few presents so new material for sketches besides the gift.
A very Happy Birthday to you, and a belated Happy Birthday to Gene! Hope you are all having a great day! We're sending love and hugs to all!
Melissa and Pete, Emily and Zach
Melissa, thanks to all of you! Our birthdays were very good. We had get togethers with the Texas bunch, lots of calls and messages. All good, we can’t stop progress! Happy to hear from you.
Happy Birthday...guess I missed it. Hope you saved a margarita for me.
You are really filling up that big book. 300 is a lot of pages! I wonder how many pages I fill up in a year. The problem is I have too many books going at once to keep track.
Joan, thank you sooooo much. I had a margarita for you! The big sketchbook is getting close. I do use a couple of travel books, the coasters, watercolor books, and pastels so that may be why it has taken this long to finish. I try to do my opposite hand and trial type sketches someplace other than the big book. Ha.
Dang it! I missed your birthday. I seem to miss a lot these days. Need lots of reminders. Well, I hope you had a great day.
The spoon, spoon rest, and lemon crack me up - I love the way your mind works. The next challenge should be: How many challenges can you get in to one sketch?
Bag Blog, maybe we should get together just to celebrate all our birthdays. Good excuse or reason. We have had the challenge to put all the items in one sketch. Jeanne from California thought of 26 household items, she would put hers on a shelf and sketch. She did it a few times. I finished it once or twice. It was interesting and a fun challenge.
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