I felt like sketching my double layer plastic glass for Scavenger Hunt 669. Pastels seems the easiest way to show the layers. I put it on a white shelf with white behind it so that I wouldn't have to draw the "things" behind it through the clear plastic part.
I don't like drinking out of plastic in general. Bottled soft drinks or plastic glasses in restaurants are not my thing. And, I don't like straws either. If I can't drink out of glass, I prefer canned pop or juice. Insulated metal cups and glasses have plastic tops so not my thing either. This glass isn't too bad, nice and smooth, and keeps the drinks cold. Plus it doesn't sweat and leave a wet ring on the table.
For Scavenger Hunt 669 https://www.wetcanvas.com/forums/topic/scavenger-hunt-669-feb-27-mar-7/
Number 3, plastic - sketched with pastels on MiTeintes blue gray paper, smooth side. The paper color is drab and doesn't do a thing for the sketch. A dark background would have been better, don't you think? The reflection from the white shelf added an odd reflection with both layers of plastic. Interesting to try to see the reflection and paint/sketch it.
I like how glasses like these don't leave a ring. I'm not crazy about drinking from plastic or even a can. I'd prefer a bottle or definitely a glass. I like your sheep below. They don't have very exciting faces. I don't do the associations for WetCanvas. I'm lucky I get the sketches of the actual items done. I don't want to have to think more than that. lol
Thanks, Joan. We are together on drinking, ha. We both like wine and margaritas, too. I don't usually do the association either. Sometimes it is good not to have to think about what to sketch.
I don't really like drinking from plastic either, but I like drinking from my insulated metal cup. I like that it keeps my water cold for a long time. We have several of the plastic cups like you sketched that we inherited from Toby's mom. He loves them. I did find a couple of glass glasses that are doubled so that they don't sweat. Toby drinks from them, but rarely do I drink from them. Not sure why.
Bag Blog, thank you for commenting. I like my metal cup as much as anything. It still has a plastic lid. I bought a new glass glass thinking it was double layer but it isn't. The lid is plastic and has a plastic straw. I ordered some glass straws to use with it. It has a silicone sleeve but doesn't stay cold. I have the double layer mugs for my coffee, I like those a lot.
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