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Friday, November 27, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Olden Days

 Happy Thanksgiving!  A favorite day of mine.  My folks always had the best Thanksgiving with old fashioned dressing, gravy and sourdough biscuits, etc.  My mom made the best pies.  Dad cooked the turkey.  I don't think he ever cooked it in a Dutch oven, but who knows?  I've posted this painting before.  It is old and depicts the olden days.  I never was happy with it, but it fits my memories today and the cook looks a bit like Dad.

There will be six of us together today.  I remember the house full of people, even strangers.  In South America we always had anyone that didn't have a place to go or if they were there TDY.  You can put Thanksgiving in my search box on the upper left and read some of the stories.

Bigger Dutch Oven or Littler Turkey?

Hope your day is full of family and love.  We are most thankful for our military, all first responders and police that put their lives on the line for us every day.  So thankful to live in the USA!  I'm proud to be an American.


Joan Tavolott said...

Looks like a chuck-wagon Thanksgiving. Great painting.

My family hasn't had big gatherings for Thanksgiving for many, many years since so many of them moved out of the area. When we were kids we had so many people for dinner that "the kids" had their own table upstairs in my grandmother's kitchen. We would stay up there for a long as possible just so we wouldn't end up doing all the dishes downstairs for the grownups. It was strange to have just the two of us for dinner...and we did turkey thighs instead of a whole bird.

Hope you all had a great time celebrating.

Jo Castillo said...

Joan, thank you. The chuck wagon painting seemed like it could have happened. You kids were smart to stay upstairs. Fun to think about all the people isn't it. Good memories.
Sounds like your quiet day was OK and you had good food. That's always my priority on Thanksgiving .. besides giving thanks.

Bag Blog said...

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and Jennie had a great birthday. My Thanksgiving did not go as planned. I started getting sick on Wed night, so we canceled our family gathering. I was achy with a low grade fever all day Thursday. Toby cooked the turkey and divided it up for us and Bo's family. The two of us ate our dinner quietly, but it was really okay. I was feeling better yesterday and just rested all day. Today (Saturday) I am doing even better.

Jo Castillo said...

Bag Blog, wow, sorry to hear you are under the weather. You are up early this morning. Our day was splendid. The kids (old!) came about 1 and we ate all the ribs and fixins and they hung out until the sun went down. A good day with the house open and sunshine. It was just like old times.

Hope you continue to get better. Hugs all around your bunch.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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