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Friday, May 22, 2020

I'm Lost!

I wrote the post below a few days ago, the eighteenth.  Why didn't I send it?  My mind is lost and running amok.  So here you are with a new post below which explains my lost feeling.

Out and About Sketch

We went out and about.  Not too seriously but in the car!  We went for Gene's skin cancer check.  I think all of us at this age have some.  There wasn't sunscreen when we were growing up and we were outside more than kids are now.  He went in alone with mask and I waited in the big main lobby in mask.

I sat there for quite a while before I had a light bulb go off and realized I could sketch on my iPhone.  Yes.

Number 3, plant - As I finished up I realized that it is an artificial plant.  It is about 8 feet tall.  I sketch on the phone with as few "undo" buttons as possible.  I want my digital sketches  to be a sketch and not a finished drawing that I slave over.  This was about 20 minutes of, well, fun.

We tried to go by our friend's, Raymond's, restaurant.  They were not open, even for takeout.  I thought they were going to be.  I will check it out.

*** ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

I'm Lost

Do you, artists, ever feel like you know nothing about art?  That is the feeling I had when I sat down to sketch today.  We had a challenge on the Scavenger Hunt to sketch with a toothpick and ink.  That sounded easy.  The sketches that were posted were really good.  Joan, is it you that sketches with a stick sometimes?

I don't have any ink for some reason.  The actual ink pens I have use cartridges.  I do have some acrylic ink in neon colors.  I bought it to try under painting for pastels, but that is another story.  I got out the ink and a few toothpicks.  I decided to try the bright pink and the blue.  No red.  The ink is very watery like watercolor.   

After I sketched in the blue, I realized I had yellow and might get a brassy color for the chain.  It turned sort of green since I had used blue.  I thought it wouldn't re-wet as acrylic paints don't.  As Gene says, it went downhill from there.  To me it looks like my great grandsons that are 2 and 3 drew the sketch.  They could probably do better.  Sorry, Oliver and Lucas.

I did get it finished and it is in the big book which others will see so I will go ahead and post it here.  Maybe I just need a fancier toothpick??

For Scavenger Hunt 633 - Number 3, bell 

And the real thing, hanging in the dining room between the bay window and sliding doors.


As the Canadians say or said when we were last up there about 5 years ago, "Well, there you are then."


Rose Welty said...

Glad you are still making art might be really lost without it. :-) The toothpick idea is a good bucket list item - and your sketch is full of fun, which I imagine is what you feel when you look at that perfect interpretation! Hope your friend’s restaurant is going to reopen. Love to you and Gene - hope there is an adventure in today.

Jo Castillo said...

Ah, Rose, you lift my heart as always. I like your new work a lot. Hope you haven't worn out your teaching skills with home schooling! I hope the day holds an adventure as well. Thank you!

Rose Welty said...

The guys are all teen boys now...way past my help with school. They are doing a good job...they've even gotten into grilling and mowing the lawn. Love it!

Bag Blog said...

I'm sure if you had better toothpicks, it would have worked perfectly. Ink is very similar to black watercolor. The only time I use toothpicks, is for masking thin lines. Sometimes I chew the end a little to make it more like a little brush. Sometimes, the best laid plans of mice and men...

Joanna said...

Heh heh heh. I like both sketches quite a bit! You need to give yourself a break. Hugs...

Jo Castillo said...

Rose, teens! Yikes! I was thinking maybe middle school. I really like the grilling part.

Bag Blog, thanks for understanding. I should have chewed it over. Ha.

Joanna, thank you. It was wonderful to see you yesterday. Hugs.

Joan Tavolott said...

Hard to get a patriotic feel with that pink color instead of red. lol Yes, I sometimes sketch with a stick...but not a toothpick. I think hat is a bit too tiny for me and would take too much getting used to.

Sorry to hear your friend's restaurant wasn't open even for takeout. That would have been nice. At this point getting out would feel so good, but I doubt that will happen much for a while. Will send you an email and fill you in.

Jo Castillo said...

Joan, thank you so much. I don't know how I would sketch with a stick. Toothpick was hard enough.

I really shouldn't complain if not getting to eat in the restaurants is the biggest of our problems. We are very fortunate to be feeling good health wise. I feel for the families that have lost loved ones and not been able to see their families. We have done well with videos and photos.

Thinking of you two and wishing you the best in your world. Enjoying your virtual sketches. Hugs.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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