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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Happy New Year - Sketches for Hunt 434

Well, wouldn't you know it?  I would start the year off in a quirky way.  My Christmas gift from Jennie was a beautiful sketchbook.  Leather cover and 300 pages, about 11 x 14 inches.  It is heavy and I definitely have to sketch at the table or with it on my lap.  No standing!  Jennie's idea is for me to sketch a page a day and finish in a couple of years.  How do you think that plan will fly?

I left a page for a cover page as she instructed and did a page of Scavenger Hunt sketches yesterday.  Great start.  I took it to the table to take photos of the sketches (too big to scan).  As I put the book on the table I noticed a sort of stamp on the cover.  Interesting,  oh,  it was upside down.  I hadn't noticed that!   I turned it over and opened it.   Argh..... I had started at the back of the book and of course, upside down.

I put a little note on the sketches and will start again today with the book in the correct orientation.  One of my sketching friends, Scattycat, summed it up for me:
.... and the little note that lets us know yer as daffy as me, starting sketchbooks upside down is my sorta thing, good on ya..
To see some of Scatty's really neat sketches, visit our Hunts or better yet, visit her blog.  Kat Van Hookens  I especially like her sketches where she writes on them like here
Her home was flooded around Christmas, so new sketches are on the Hunts.  Floods and fires for our sketch group.  Not good.

The sketchbook:

Looks nice and the mark doesn't show much without the light just right.

And the back when highlighted.  Grrr, why didn't I see that.  Sigh.....

And my sketches to start off 2016 in Jennie's Sketchbook

For Scavenger Hunt 434
Number 1, cup and saucer - substituted cup and lid
Number 2, seasonal - Gene's new trivia calendar for 2016
Number 3, something alive  :-)
Number 4, teapot - I don't have one so subbing Gene's one cup coffee/tea maker

Night before last, my iPad would not power up correctly.  I did not do the right restore and now I have to take it to the real Genius - Joanna - to help me fix the problem.  We shall see how it goes.  I have an appointment with her for tomorrow.

While I was trying to start the iPad last night, I did another sketch for the Hunt in my regular old large sketchbook with the Micron 08.

Number 5, art supply - my pocket size Winsor Newton watercolor box


I really like this humorous/serious post by Mark Brockman.  It is a continuation of  my discussion about dealing with blocks or times when we can't seem to do our art.  He is so right about just keep on working.  That is my plan for 2016!  You know I tried all the other things:  workshops, classes, teaching, do nothing, try something new, etc.

I read Mark's post on Fine Art Views.  If you would like to get helpful posts about and by other artists go sign up at:


Joanna said...

Nice sketches, Mom. Too bad they're upsidedown!

I like the sketches on Kat's page too. Very pretty.

Jo Castillo said...

Joanna, thanks. So easy to do things right. Sigh.....

Bag Blog said...

A few years ago I tried doing a sketch a day. Like joining an exercise class, I only lasted a month. You are better with your sketches, though. I've been wanting to go off to a workshop this summer:) Now I'm off to check out your links.

Anonymous said...

I wrote a comment but do not know where it went see if you can find it. Make that your scavenger hunt.


Jo Castillo said...

Bag Blog, I'm with you on the daily sketch. I doubt I will get a daily done. In fact, I already missed Jan 2!!!
Find a great workshop .. There ought to be good ones around Taos. There aren't any "cheap" ones anymore. Maybe get a house rented and have a retreat with friends that are artists .. paint all day, critique and share the wine in the evenings for about 5 days. Get away from the cities. That place in Kentucky was just $125 a day for a week. Hmmm.

Jo Castillo said...

Mr. Anonymous, Gene,
If you can't find your comment I can't help, can I? Maybe it went on another day. I will look!! Hugs.

Joan Tavolott said...

LOL I've started at the wrong end too, and even sketched in a book that I already started but did it upside down. It is easy to do.

Jo Castillo said...

Joan, heh, heh. I guess we all do it. I have sketched upside down before in an older sketchbook. I just hated to start off this beautiful book that way.

Anonymous Gene, By the way, your lost comment is perfect for this post. :-)

Jennifer Rose said...

that looks really hefty, would hate to drop it on a foot o.0

Jo Castillo said...

Jennifer Rose, Ouch! Hope that doesn't happen. I need to weigh it, must be at least 8 pounds.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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