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Monday, May 18, 2015

Be Still My Beating Heart ..... Sketches

I opened my e-mail to find this lovely note:
    From:     Willet Bay
    Date:     May 18, 2015 8:54:20 AM CDT
    To:     Jo Castillo
Hello,my Name is Willet Bay im an Art collector from Dallas,TX,i got
to come across your gallery on the internet,will like to have the
above subject for my new apartment as soon as possible .please let me
know if the piece is available and if yes let me have the detailed
price and more information about it.kindly reply me with your phone
Willet Bay

My heart always skips a beat when someone wants to buy a painting. 

But wait!!!! All the information is right on my website, price and info of where to buy it.  Ah, well.  I was spammed again.  I hope you don't fall for one of these. Willet is obviously fishing.

I did manage a sketch yesterday and another today.  The morning started off well in that respect.  It is still cloudy and we had a rain squall this morning. We had an inch yesterday!  Yahoo!  I sketched on the porch yesterday with the Micron 03 and added watercolor.  Today I sketched at the kitchen/dining table with the Micron 03.

Number 6, landscape - out back on a cloudy day
Number 7, something with holes in it - colander
Number 8, vegetable - celery
Number 9, fruit - apple
Number 10, bottle - Hot chile oil

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
You probably haven't noticed, but I haven't mentioned the Longhorn Baseball Team for a while.  They were on break for finals and the last home game with Texas State was cancelled for weather.  They have been on a crazy trip this year.  They ended the season with 26 wins and 25 losses overall and 11 wins and 13 losses in the Big 12 conference. 

Not a satisfying year for them.  They enter the Big 12 Tournament as the Number 5 seed and play on Wednesday, 9 a.m. in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  If, and it is a BIG IF, they can win the tournament they will get to go to a Regional and maybe on to the College World Series.  That is a lot of games to win. 

In their last series with Baylor, they won on Saturday 6-5, and in a doubleheader yesterday, they lost the first game 7 - 1 and then won the second 11-1 on the Mercy Rule in the seventh inning.  Go figure! 

Wishing them the best ... Hook 'em Horns!!!


Christopher Boehm said...

Ha! I received this same message from Willet this morning (read below). I googled his name and your post came up.
From: Willet Bay
09:07 AM

Hello,my Name is Willet Bay im an Art collector from Dallas,TX,i got
to come across your gallery on the internet,will like to have the
above subject for my new apartment as soon as possible .please let me
know if the piece is available and if yes let me have the detailed
price and more information about it.kindly reply me with your phone
Willet Bay

Yep, my heart skipped a beat too... not at all. I usually ask for their credit card info and social security number to complete the transaction.

Bag Blog said...

I was looking at the Big 12 website wondering if you might be coming this way. When I saw that it was in Tulsa, I was disappointed. Although, Tulsa is very artsy with some nice galleries.

Scammers are the lowest.

Jo Castillo said...

Christopher, ha! It is one of those "if it is too good to be true..." scenarios. Thanks for the note.

Bag Blog, we had thought it would be fun to try the new venue but we have a wedding on Thursday. :) Also the winning prospects don't look too good. :)


Jennifer Rose said...

There was an artist, who I can't remember, who actually wrote back to one of these scammers and pulled him along thinking he had found an idiot he could scam :p think the cops got involved eventually. sad thing is that there are people that do fall for things like this :/ and its sad that us artists have to be on guard for scams like this

Jo Castillo said...

Jennifer, wow! I have had quite a few of these. I just delete them, but thought a reminder might be in order for my friends! Thanks.

Joanna said...

Sorry about the spam. Sigh.

I am glad the bottle was hot sauce. I thought it was wine at first and wondered about your giant fruits and veggies. :-)

Hook 'em, Horns!

Jo Castillo said...

Joanna, you made me smile. I almost posted the sketch without saying it was hot sauce and then saw what you saw!

Yes, Hook 'em Horns!!

Anonymous said...

I got a same email from this guy.
I deeply appreciate your post.

Hello,my Name is Willet Bay im an Art collector from Dallas,TX,i got
to come across your gallery on the internet,will like to have the
above subject for my new apartment as soon as possible .please let me
know if the piece is available and if yes let me have the detailed
price and more information about it.kindly reply me with your phone
Willet Bay

Jo Castillo said...

Anonymour, taehoonkim, you are welcome. We all need reminders sometimes.

Joan Tavolott said...

Hope he stays away from the NY area. Those emails bring your hopes up until you think for a minute. Luckily most of us think for that minute. lol

Jo Castillo said...

Joan, isn't that the truth! Thanks for checking in.

Regina Burchett said...

Hey Jo - lovely sketches!! So glad your little lake is doing well.

I often wonder if those spammers think of what they do as a regular "job"... I guess not, or their grammar would be better.

I'm going to start sketching more. It's peaceful, I think. :-)

Jo Castillo said...

Hi, Regina, Yes, our lakes look great and the area is soooo green. Weather has been cool for the most part. One 90 degree day so far!!

The grammar is certainly a good clue on those spammers, so hopefully they won't learn much.

Good luck on your sketching, I have been very slow this last week.

About Me

My photo
Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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