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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dealing with the Aftermath

I'm pretty sure reality hasn't really sunk in yet.  As I said the house is gone.  No one will be able to get in the area for a few days yet.  Joanna (in Austin) has to go to Bastrop today or tomorrow and get a permit to go into the subdivision to see if the house is down to the ground or what state of disrepair.  From what we hear, it is down to the ground along with Joanna's car.  

Even though we had so many heirlooms and South America artifacts, we are trying to have the attitude that it is only "stuff".  Every once in a while though we think of something that we used or liked or remembered.  We had two huge pottery pots from the jungle in Peru, about 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet tall.  Gene had collected blow guns, boat oars, grass skirts, etc. from his traipses through the jungles.  Sooooo many knick knacks.  Gene had a coffee mug, plastic, that he used every day given him by a friend in Bolivia more than 20 years ago.  It was a Coca Cola cup but the logo and all had worn off.   I had my hundreds of coffee mugs and cups.  Ah, a collection of mugs I used only at Christmas. (By the way, when we went to dinner at Texas Reds, I got a cup to start my new collection.  Ha.) Ach, Christmas ornaments that our kids made, a collection of ornaments from the White House, the State of Texas and DEA.  Photos when the kids were little that I never scanned, my folks, Gene's folks. Old movies from a movie camera when the kids were little.  Jewelry from South America and old turquoise from my Mom.   Ah well, I can go on for hours.

We had been talking of selling and moving out of the house with all the stairs to a one floor place.  We were thinking of renting instead of buying.  I had even looked for rentals in the area, I'm sure those are gone, too, as I was looking at some in Tahitian Village.  I had been trying to decide if I should put some of our South America things on e-Bay.  We had the decision taken out of our hands.

We have been packing up our trailer so we can leave here on Monday.  We will go to Albuquerque for a couple of days and then be "home" back in Bastrop on Friday.  Thanks again to Regina and Larry for our temporary quarters!

We are receiving so many wonderful calls, messages and offers of places to park ourselves for a while.  So....  We will be off to see what the future brings.

I do have a great deal of my art stuff with me.  Paintings for the show in Magdalena and here.  I have the newest of my pastels, acrylic paints and oils.  A supply of surfaces to paint on.  Maybe I can start on the Scavenger Hunt today.  It would probably be good for the soul.

See ya down the road.

Here are a couple of photos of the house we found for the insurance company.

The front with a star made by Jeff Snyder and some Mexican pottery, antique bench from Peru.  The U.S. flag was always up by the mailbox.

Front corner with the Bolivia, Mexican and a little man from Sue Modrak in pots.  A thing for grinding grain from Bolivia.


Barbara Pask said...

Oh My gosh Jo this is the first I knew of this. I am so so sorry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs.

Regina Calton Burchett said...

It's got to be so difficult to get past the "if only" - I would be stuck there for a long time. You both have such good attitudes, looking to the future.
Still thinking of you...

Donna Crosby said...

Jo Iimmediately thought of you when I got word of the fires in Bastrop. My prayers are with you and yours. And you are correct its just stuff. Im glad you are safe. Let me know if I can do anything for you and be well.

Joanna said...

I was thinking about the squash blossom necklace yesterday or the day before. And, all the South American jewelry. The ukelele and the charango. The spurs. Your art. Charlie's art. All the other art. All the mugs. The "crouching" man with the pot on his back. It goes on and on and on...

Jo Castillo said...

Barbara, thank you very much. Hugs, back.

Regina, the "if only" is getting harder instead of easier as we think of more things. :-(

Donna, we are fortunate to be safe and have things with us. Thanks.

Joanna, an old bible from the Field side, the bookcase, vitrina, old dishes from Grandma Field. There was a leather skirt and a velvet quilt from her, too. Sigh.....

We appreciate all the warm wishes from all. It helps to hear from friends.

Bag Blog said...

Ah Jo, I just hurt for your loss. Photo and such are so very special. And your oh man that hurts. So many memories and fun things! Nothing can replace those things. You and Gene have led such an amazing life. I guess that is what makes you the strong, happy person you are.

Susan Abston Wiley said...

Hi, Jo, my heart cried for you when I read this. But so much of this beloved "stuff" was the visual marker attached to wonderful memories of your long, happy lives and the people who have filled it, and while you no longer have these things, you still have the memories that no fire can take away. But a lot harder to recall without the visuals.

I think a glass of wine helps the memories; at least, that's what John and I have discovered! Much love, Sue

Kay Beason said...

Dear Jo
I, like Regina so admire your attitude. My first thought was of all your art. I'm glad you're safe and I'm sending positive thoughts to you & Gene. Be safe coming back across the south.

Roger Seddon said...

Dear Jo, I am so , so sorry to hear this awful news and my heart goes out to you and Gene. I am lost for words at your tragic loss, but know you have the right mental attitude, inner strength and spirit to overcome this adversity. God bless you.

Jo Castillo said...

Susan, very special thoughts from you, thank you so much. We have really been talking about things and memories.

Kay, you are so sweet to write. Hope to see you soon. Thanks.

Roger, blessings from across the pond mean so much. Thank you.

About Me

My photo
Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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