Here are the paintings I was working on the last week or so...

Pastel on Pastelbord, 6 x 6 inches

Pastel on Pastelbord, 6 x 6 inches
These are framed in black metal frames with UV protected plexiglass and are for the New Mexico show at Peppers in Magdalena on July 9, 10, and 11. See you there?? They will be $85 each. My first time to frame with plexiglass right against the pastel. It looks very good.
This painting was fun to do, now to find a frame that compliments it. I thought plain black or gold, but not great. Maybe it needs a liner. More thinking on that today.
This painting was fun to do, now to find a frame that compliments it. I thought plain black or gold, but not great. Maybe it needs a liner. More thinking on that today.
Love the colors in the balloons... and the softness of Grandma's Porch. Front porches are so nice and this painting captures that relaxed, slightly worn look of a porch that seen a few summers. Well done, Jo!
I can't wait to see your watercolor efforts. The balloons are wonderful - such bright colors - very NM.
Bag Blog, you would not be impressed with my watercolor efforts. :) Therefore, you won't see them. Maybe after I practice, eh?
Teresa, thank you. I enjoyed painting the porch. I still haven't found a frame I like with it. Hmmm.
Hi Jo,
Great new work. I love the balloons. Such fresh colours.
You put plexiglass in front, instead of glass? Very interesting. Why did you choose plexiglass?
I have a few pastels straight under glass instead of using a matt, because sometimes I think a matt is distracting from the painting.
greetings from a warm Ireland,
Love the new balloons Jo, great color, fresh and vital. Having this new studio seems to be working out for you huh? Good job!
Hi, MJ. I ordered the frames from and they don't ship glass. I have to go to Austin (forty miles or so) to Hobby Lobby to get glass with UV or non-reflective so just decided to try it on the small pictures. It seems to have done well.
Thank you, Rae. I am getting in more time at the studio. Whether that is helping me, I don't know. Ha. Sort of like going to work!
I just love the balloon paintings!!! So colorfu!! "Grandma's Porch" is so the metal chairs and the colors. Super work, Jo!
Hi Joan, you know I like red, white and blue. Thank you.
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