Still Scavenger Hunt 144 and I managed to do a few this evening. They are in the 7 x 10 inch sketchbook with a Micron 05 pen. I sketched freehand and watched a little of the rerun of the golf at the Barclays today. I forgot to watch this afternoon. The course has nice views of New York City in the background in which the Statue of Liberty is very prominent. I liked seeing that.

Number 4, "Green" as environmental, my old nylon mesh bags from Bolivia. They have been used for groceries, clothes, dishes, wine, snacks, coffee makings and much more. They are about 20 years old and still going strong.

Numbers 5 - plastic, 6-liquid, 7-glass, 8-wood, 9-metal. The bottle of medium, the wine, the glass, the TV table and a stapler. Number 10-favorite drinking vessel. I have the cup Jennie gave me for traveling. I sketched it last year, too.

Number 11-floppy. The leaves on a plastic elephant ears here in the condo.

Number 12- foot. Gene's foot. It was so skinny and long. I corrected it some, but his instep is higher. Ah well. I could say he was wiggling his foot, right?
I did not paint today. I had to catch up on web stuff and wash clothes for the trip to Albuquerque tomorrow. We are going to visit with Gene's Mom for the weekend. Maybe I can sketch a little there, again. It is Mercy's (Gene's sister's) birthday on Saturday, so I'm pretty sure we will go to dinner -- I wonder if we will go to Sadie's?
I have been looking for my plastic mesh bag, but can't find it. I need to make a trip to South Texas to get me another one.
Jo: I always so enjoy your sketches, so much detail in a small place.
Jo, you're doing so well on consistently drawing (almost) every day! I've seen a lot of writings recently from other artists, reminding the rest of us to take the time - 30 minutes a day at least - to do art every day. I'm not there yet, but hope to at least be a reminder...
Bag Blog, yes these bags are keepers, so strong and light weight. Sorry I don't have any to spare. Ha.
fishing guy, thank you so much. I am learning to like sketching. Tee hee.
Regina, I'm sure not there on a daily basis either. I always have good intentions but.... I really would like to paint daily. "They" say that making a schedule helps and I have never liked schedules. Sigh......
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