I sketched a little tonight while fixing dinner. These are for
Scavenger Hunt 135 on wetcanvas. com. They are in my 7 x 10 inch sketchbook with a Micron 05 pen and colored pencils.

Number 5, emits heat. Toaster This looks like a 4 slice toaster, but it is only a two slice one. Sigh. About a 10 minute sketch with the coloring.

Number 6, lies flat- place mat on the counter. Number 7 - emits light, the light on the microwave over the stove. About 20 minutes or so with the coloring for both.
We are watching the College World Series. Tonight is Arkansas and Virginia. It is tied in the ninth. The games have all been interesting. Hope the Horns can win one more on Friday to get into the Championship Series. Read about it on
Joanna's Longhorn Baseball Page. Last night's game was so exciting. The Horns came back from being down 6 - 0 to win 10 - 6. Wow! Hook 'em Horns!
We were watching the game last night, as we have been watching every night, but went to bed when Ark didn't score in the 11th. I better go see who won this morning.
I do so admire your sketching dedication! Sigh!
Bag Blog, I'm glad you are enjoying the games. The announcers for the Texas game were soooo bad. I don't see how any new viewers could enjoy it. They were showing the announcers favorite movies, etc. They don't know or care a bit about college baseball. Argh..... We listened to the TX announcers but they are a pitch behind with the internet delay. Sigh....
Teresa, I have always put off sketching like a chore. The Scavenger Hunts and goading by my friends have made it ALMOST a good pastime. :)
Bag Blog, I watched the end of last nights game on TV and the news conference on the internet. Gene went to bed. Virginia had so many guys on base and couldn't bring them in. Sad. I preferred them over the Arkansas Piggies.
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