I ordered some new water mixable oils by Windsor & Newton. Desmond O'Hagan talked about using them at the workshop. I have some by Grumbacher, Max, but have not been very pleased with them. I hope that these new oil paints will be more like regular oil paints. We will see if I get a headache when using them as well. I think it is the linseed oil in paints that bothers me. If it is the linseed oil, I will get a headache from these as well.
ASW shipped the items via UPS. The brushes I ordered came in a very cool box for shipping. I think this is the first time I have ordered from them. The shipping was just $5.95 regardless of what I ordered.

The tabs hold the brushes and more tabs are available on the front so you can put in a double layer of brushes.
I will keep you apprised of the results of the new oil colors. Maybe I will try a small painting tomorrow.
Have you considered trying the new Chroma Acrylics? They are supposed to perform like oils. You can adjust the drying time, viscosity, etc., and even apply an "Unlocking" solution to allow you to go back into previously dry paint. I've got a set... but haven't tried them yet... planning to soon. I can't handle oils either... love the buttery consistency but the linseed oil makes in nauseated in 15 minutes or less! Ick!
I do love getting art supplies in the mail.
Art supplies are so fun! Enjoy!
Teresa, I haven't tried Chroma. I bought some of the Golden Open and tried to use them like acrylics and of course they aren't. Didn't experiment with them enough yet. I have high hopes for these Artisan oils. See how it goes.
Bag Blog, it is so wonderful to get new toys.
Rose, thank you for coming by. It will be fun to open them up.
Lisa from Asel talked about the water based oil paints at the last CAS meeting - I'll be interested to see what you think. That is a very cool box - you can keep on using it, right?
Regina, hi. I have used the Grumbacher, Max, oils. They are OK but dry a little dull like acrylics and seemed a little sticky. I hope these work as I do like playing in the oils. I like to paint flowers, wet into wet. We shall see how it goes.
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