The best part of the day was at the end. We were taken on a tour of the new facilities at Disch-Falk Field, my favorite ball-park as you know. We were wined, dined and taken on a tour.
This is the box just above our seats. They are for 16 people. It would be a little cramped, but warm in the cold weather and cool in the hot. :) If we could come up with 14 friends and $2000 each, we could rent one for a season. They have a group tail gate room/suite at the end . Very nice and comfy for a group. There are a couple of tables in the hallway and the light sconces are long horn cattle horns. All very Texas of course. Very nice bathrooms and accommodations.
The view from inside the home team dugout!
A small part of the new training room.

The facilities are soooo nice. The players will be spoiled and will have a hard time adapting to the facilities of minor leagues and some major league teams. :) They have big screen TV, individual work/locker areas for homework, etc. Dining room for meals before games. The training area has everything, hot tub, massages, medical, etc. Just super.
Jo: Great sketches as expected, that skeleton threw me off. I thought one of your fellow passengers needed something to eat.
fishing guy, Funny guy! :) Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it.
I like the sketches of people on notebook paper - it reminded me of my college days when my class notes were full of little sketches of people sitting around me or my professors or other serious doodles.
bag blog, My old doodles were never people. I did designs or animals. Wish I had started earlier on people, it would be soooo much easier now. :) Thanks for checking in.
*interesting my letters for the word verification are josdf ... my name and the airport code for Louisville. Hmmm.
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