My #1 two veggies and #2 potato peeler together in a still life challenge. The sketch took about 20 minutes in my NY sketchbook. I used three colors as Joanna gave me a new set of Micron 005 pens in assorted colors. Nice.
I am listening to my new music, too. I received from Joanna, "One More Kiss" by Bluehouse. We saw them in La Grange, Texas. A very fun duo, Jaqui Walter and Bernadette Carroll. The new CD is great. Larry gave me "Magic" by Bruce Springsteen. It is also a good one. Jennie gave me some new semi hard pastels, a Gallery earthtone set by Mungyo. Great. I needed more earthtones I discovered at the workshop. Larry also gave Gene and I a hard drive to back up our computer stuff. I have all my files on three different computers so it is sort of backed up .. hither and yon! Oh, the gifts were for our belated birthday get together. Gene and I had birthdays while in New Mexico so Sunday was the day. Gene cooked a delicious brisket which was great as Jennie and I spent Saturday at the powwow in Austin. Gene sat with the granddogs. What great gifts. "I be happy." (Larry used to say that.)
I have two or more great posts coming you see, the workshop and the powwow. I am exhausted! I'm blaming it on the marathon plein air with Sue in New Mexico and this past week workshop plein air in Texas .... and the powwow. Speaking of Sue, I haven't posted much about our week either. JEEPERS!! I am behind. That is what happens when you don't have internet. Don't give up on me!!
Don't forget the show in San Marcos on Friday with the Austin Pastel Society. It is a membership show, no jury to worry about. It was judged, though, by Susan Kemmer Reed and there will be ribbons awarded. 31 artists and 88 paintings. See you there!
I received an e-mail from Regina and she posted a painting I did of her on her web site, www.fallshadows.com. We were painting in 2004 in front of the gallery in Bastrop and I painted her, painting ... Fun!
Jo, sometimes no drama is a very good thing! Just glad to have you back.
Thanks, Rose. I'm glad to be back, too. Lots to do to catch up. I don't ever catch all the way up somehow.
I'm glad you're back too Jo! I'm sure you had a great time.
Kasie, thanks for the welcome. I was exhausted as I said.
I'm looking forward to your future posts and maybe some paintings from your workshops.
Bag Blog, So glad to hear from you. I started reading your blog this summer and didn't have it on the reader on this computer! I will be catching up on your blog, too. Thanks for writing.
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