#5, Newest art supply. A new Micron 05 in the package. I'm thinking this is like the first one I used and the point will hold up a little better to my mad scribblings.
#6, Something with two languages on it. Back of the new pen package. 20 minutes.
#7, Your oldest art supply. This is my old Julian type easel sitting on the table. I probably have older supplies at home, but this is close to the oldest here. A very quick wonky sketch to get something done. 10 min.
Hola Jo! ¿Qué tal? Nice sketches. Must get back over to WC and have a go at the art scavenge...been away too long. Sounds like you're having fun.
Marie-Dom, All's fine with me. Those Hunts are a love/hate thing. They do keep me sketching.
You have been doing great with your portrait sketching.
Thanks for stopping by.
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