Well, a slow start yet again. This hunt started on November 1. At least I am started. :) Number 1 is a decorative object. This is a man from Cusco, Peru, an Inca I suppose. He is made of pottery and is about 3 feet tall. I admired an antique statue in front of a museum and Gene had this copy made for my Christmas present back in about 1985. He is up on a shelf now, but used to sit by the fireplace in Lima. I would do a doubletake once in a while, thinking there was a real person sitting there.

The roundish basket is from Peru and the rectangular one is from Bolivia. They are very bright colors and sit around as decorations as well.

They are sketched in the Canson sketchbook with the ZIG Milleneum pen. So the Hunt is on.
Oh, and these roses... A friend, Regina, gave them to me. Aren't they great? They have a little very fine gold glitter on them. A beautiful arrangement. Have to get out the pastels before their demise. Thanks, Regina.
The man with the pot was always good for startling people who glanced in his direction!
So right. Now he is up high and sort of out of sight and out of mind, but once in a while, coming down the stairs, a glance and .......oh, it's the Cusco man.
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