"Jo's Pots", a remembrance from Bolivia for Jennie. She has a similar painting, but I don't have a photo of it to put up here.
We are still in Kentucky. Jennie is celebrating her birthday here. David will cook a brisket for her lunch and we will watch the Longhorns play football. It will be a different birthday for her.
I hope it is a great day .. Happy Birthday, Jennie!
By the way, feel free to add your birthday wishes here and I will pass them on to Jennie!
Happy birthday, Sis. I sure wish the Horns had given you a nice present instead of...well...you know...
Birthday hug!
Thanks, Joanna. I will pass this on and Jennie can respond. So sad that the Longhorns lost. :(
Wasn't that a great game! My daughter is an Aggie, so I have to rub it in a little.
Dear Anonymous,
Yes, the game was pretty good. Having Colt McCoy injured was not, and the final score was not to our liking.
I liked the announcers better than old Brett Musburger. He can't say anything good about anybody.
Hook 'em!
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