I took the paintings of the apples to Peppers Gallery today. They are having the start of their Cowboy Christmas and are having open house on Friday and Saturday. They will have booths in the yard and it should be fun. Jennie will be here, so I will see if she will let me try to do her portrait out in the yard. I don't do portraits, but it will be fun to see how it goes.
I changed the price on the Little Green Apples and Goin' Red, as I priced them as 9 x 12 inches, but they are 8 x 10 inches framed. You can check them out on my web page. And, get a bargain!
I'm trying to keep the sketching going so last evening we sat on the swing and I sketched the faucet . It was about a 20 minute sketch with the Zig Millenneum in the Canson sketchbook. Nice paper and pen.

I will check out the Scavenger Hunt 12 and get the list. Maybe I can sketch the items even if I can't post them on wetcanvas.com I will post them here.
Beautiful weather so maybe we can get in some golf in Socorro with Gen and Charlie during our Magdalena stay. There are two restaurants, well three, here. One for breakfast and lunch, the Magdalena Cafe. Excellent. The old drugstore, Evett's, is now a restaurant. They have Mexican food, hamburgers and a fountain and serve on paper plates, so ... Food is good, however. I like the Frito Pie and Gene likes the Tortilla Burger with green chile. The third is a Mexican food place, the Ponderosa. It is OK, but not always regular hours. One of the things we like on vacation is to eat out, so we haven't much choice here. Gene's mom doesn't cook much anymore, she is pushing 90 and a bit frail and forgetful. She did make fresh flour tortillas today, yummmm., and I can't eat them. Oh well, smelled great. Gene said they were awful so I wouldn't feel so bad. :) Of course, they are excellent.
I recognized the faucet right off!
And, I dropped Jennie off at the airport right on time this morning so she should be there soon. I'm looking forward to the portrait.
PS: I'm sure the tortillas were awful. Wish I could've had some.
Yeah, I bet the tortillas were terrible. I would love to have found out for myself. Haven't had a home cooked tortilla in quite some time. The faucet did look familiar as heck.
Yes, you can bet they were good. Roger and Gene both said they were awful the last time. :-) They have always been the best tortillas anywhere. Ahhh me.
Made it to ABQ and picked up Jen.
Forgot to mention, we are going to suffer more and have dinner at Sadies. Wish you were here.
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