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Friday, November 05, 2021

Back to the Hunt #700

It is hard to believe we are on Scavenger Hunt 700.  It will be the last one on wetcanvas.  We are moving to  There is a smaller group of artists and no ads at the moment.  I donated a few bucks to help and hopefully other artists will as well.

One of our newer sketchers mentioned that since Inktober was over she were surprised to see me still sketching in ink.  I explained that I usually sketch in ink.  It makes me think more and plan ahead.  I don't always do that when I am lazy or in a hurry.  That is the plan, though, to make a mark and leave it.  It should help my painting for that same reason.

I'm not as fond of other media as you know.  I don't like to go over and over colored pencil.  Regina, my painting buddy of old, says she enjoys the repetitive coloring.  It calms her and is peaceful.   Well, it makes me nervous .. I like mark and done.  Ink is good for that and it can't be easily changed.   I should make a mark and leave it.  You see bad perspective and extra lines for that reason.

I like pastels for the same reason, you don't have to "color".  You can make a mark and leave it.  Pastels is easy to correct by brushing off, erasing (lifting with an eraser), etc.  I can leave my pastels as they are and close the ink pens.  No real time for clean up.

Watercolor is portable and easy to do in a sketchbook.  You do have to have patience for the paint to dry! Minimal clean up.

Oil painting done a la prima or all at once is the way I like to paint.  Again it is once and done.  But... you do have to wait for the finished painting to dry.  Oh, and there is cleanup after.  So you have fun for an hour and then an hour to wash brushes, put away paint, etc.

Acrylic I use like oil paint.  It drys quickly so you might have to go over parts.  It does dry much darker than I put down.  I started a painting a couple of weeks ago and had to refresh the background.  It is so dark now, that it is almost black.  Back to square one.  I hope to work on it today.  I will have to work very light to get the background back to "normal" from the black look. Again lots of clean up.

And here are my INK sketches for the Hunt. No clean up, just put the pens away!

Number 1 corner - my corner niche in my studio looking through to the living room and porch.  I used the Lamy Pen.

Number 2 and 3 pot and pan - sketched this morning at the dining table with the pans across the room to the kitchen.  

Number 4 leaf - part of the plant on the shelf between the dining and kitchen.  I sketched with a variety of pens as you can tell.

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Carol Marine, daily painter that has the site Daily Paintworks, has a post about painters block.  It is interesting.  I told her that it is good advice but not to take too long of a break, it gets harder and harder to get back.  I have personal experience in that.


Joan Tavolott said...

I guess part of what I like about ink and watercolor is the easy cleanup. Pop on the pen caps, swish the brushes to clean them, dump the water out and pack things away. It never takes long...unless I'm working on my easel outdoors.

Jo Castillo said...

Joan, thank you for your notes. I like ink and watercolor, too, for sketching. I have the water brushes too, so you don't have to wash the brushes, just wipe until clean. I haven't figured out how to paint with watercolors yet. :-)

Jennifer Rose said...

i didnt draw for over a year when i was a teenager and it def was hard to get back into it

Jo Castillo said...

Jennifer, it is very hard to come back. Then you feel more guilty. You have to keep at it somehow. I'm still not all the way back but it is starting to be more fun again. Sketching has saved me.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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