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Friday, October 01, 2021

Scavenger Hunt 695 to 696

Already a new Hunt so from 695 to 696.  Our wetcanvas is going away.  They plan on shutting it down before the end of the year or early next year.  Us sketchers are moving to CreativeSpark as an alternative.  It is always hard to change and make new friends.  So for now, the Hunts are on wetcanvas, we are thinking through the end of October and switch.  We are all getting our brains and artwork over to CS to be ready for the move.  It seems easier to navigate CS than WC if you want to check it out.  I am Jo Castillo on both sites.

For Scavenger Hunt 695

Number 5, pair of something - Genes bicycle/tricycle shoes.  Maybe if I drew his feet better he could walk better!

I didn't get too many sketches done for that Hunt.

Inktober is starting today.  Artists sketch in ink  from a list if they want to for the month of October.  The ink part is not too hard for me as I usually sketch in ink.  I will try to make the prompt for the day fit into the Scavenger Hunts.  Cover both challenges with one sketch.  Lazy me.

Scavenger Hunt 696 Number 1, crystal - substitute for can from the SH list.
Inktober Day 1, crystal

The crystals are on the wall hanging made for us by T Stewart-Young.  Pretty nifty with the arrowhead, bone, etc.

I sketched in the big book with the Sharpie pen.  I think there are only about 50 pages left in the big book.  Yay!

This is the Inktober list if you care to join in.  You can post on social media with the hashtags to share.  I'm not on social media anymore so there.... It is fun to see all the ideas and creations from the list.


Bag Blog said...

Bicycle shoes are so weird. It is a wonder anyone can walk in them. You caught the likeness very well. I will head over and check out the Inktober and Creative Spark. I always had trouble navigating Wet Canvas. And Yes, I posted on my blog.

Jo Castillo said...

Bag Blog, I love when I see you have commented. I think your internet is worse than ours. We are starting the Scavenger Hunts there (On CreativeSpark) the first one in November #700. Whew, long time since 2006 with the Hunts. I haven't done much here today. Gene laughed at his feet! He is a good sport with my sketching.

Joan Tavolott said...

Your sketch of Gene's shoes is good. They are rather different when we mostly see sneakers.

Glad we have found a new home for our hunts. I didn't look to see if there was a Southwest forum for you. Is there? I used to do the WC watercolor forum for years and now it has been eons since I checked in there.

Jo Castillo said...

Thanks, Joan. Looks like the Scavenger Hunts will be OK on Not sure how the Southwest group will do. Mainly we do a challenge and just chat, we are down in members. Most quit when wc started the new software. You see Kreative Kay, ntl, Jenna and Joy that I comment on. Know them from the SW forum. We all use different media so hard to plop us in Pastels or Acrylics. Maybe Kay will find us a place as she is a moderator. We are planning at least until the end of November on wc.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los Niños. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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