The theme of Scavenger Hunt 691 is alphabetical, your choice. I did A, B and C yesterday after the lizard. So, thinking of D this morning as I sat on the porch having coffee and my loaded rice cake. Ah, DVDs. I walked in my studio and picked up two favorite CDs and sketched away. Wait not Ds! Will call the sketch Number 5, C"D"s or Double. Get the D in there some way, artistic license you know.
For Scavenger Hunt 691
My studio is usually messy, well more cluttered. Especially the work table. It is a catch all for boxes, art supplies I've been using like sketch pens, pencils, etc. Anything we don't know where to put or don't have time to put away goes on the table.
This is mostly straightened up so Gene can frame paintings to put at the Lost Pines Art Center for September.
Good to have a peek into your studio. Looks good! I'm enjoying Ai's alphabetical list but like usual I procrastinate and don't get much done. lol
Joan, oh, thank you so much. You may procrastinate on the list a "little" but you stay very busy with your art every day.
Thanks for the peek into your studio. Have a beautiful day.
R's Rue, oh, thank you. Sometimes it is even more messy. Nice place, though. Ha.
thats not messy at all!!
Jennifer Rose, yes, it had been straightened a bit, at least the work table cleaned off to frame. I should use my studio more and really paint.
If my art space is fairly clean, it is a sign that you should probably not look in the closet. Things will fall out on your head like a bad cartoon. Your space looks very comfy.
Bag Blog, you made me laugh. I hide stuff as well. I'm trying so hard to get the unframed pastels stored in a way I can find them if I want and to wipe off and paint over the ones that are just practice.
I found a flat cardboard box under the bed when I was cleaning for company. The box had lots of my old paintings. So that is where they went! I am trying to do better.
Bag Blog, at least in the box they are out of the way. Mine are in a pile on a desk. Although, out of sight is out of mind. We must find a better way. Imagine what prolific painters have to deal with. LOL
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