Some of us are still celebrating Independence Day today. Some have a day off today. I want to share a flag photo that Larry sent me. I love the Grand Old Flag!
I went out on the porch to sketch for Scavenger Hunt 685. It was pretty warm, near 90 degrees F. Pretty normal for us. I sketched quickly!

Number 1, allergy causing - cedar with berries. In the big book with a Lamy pen.
Hope you are having and/or had a great Fourth of July celebration.
Nice photos of the flag!!! Glad you did some sketching too.
We had a quite real celebrating. The neighbors did enough of that for us. lol
Joan, there were some big booms too close to our house. Seemed like they were in our driveway. Thank you on behalf of Larry on the photos. See ya.
I love the flag pictures. We had the kids over for the 4th. Jesse was in Red River while we kept her chihuahua, Rosie. We grilled steaks. I fixed peach pie. Sara fixed pound cake with fresh berries and whipped cream. We shot off a few fireworks. One rocket went wild scaring us all. Rosie was so scared she peed on Sara. It was great excitement!
Bag Blog, I love our Flag. When we would see it on the Embassy in South America it filled us with pride. I can get weepy just thinking about it.
Your day sounds great. Excellent food! Gene's family all got together in NM a few years ago and the fireworks went wild. A bit scary! But fun. Funny about the dog and Sara! We do the safe thing here in Bastrop. It is usually not on the 4th and I thought it was because of the Austin Symphony (they play in Austin on the 4th) but they weren't here the last two years. Must do it so we can go to more than one fireworks in the area. Hmmm.
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