Joanna mentioned it sometime ago and yesterday Lou (Bag Blog) and I were talking on the phone and she mentioned that she had posted a comment or two and they hadn't shown on my blog. I went and looked and there were all the comments. I just posted them and will try to answer soon.
Sorry.......I love reading comments and answering. I like to talk art as much as making art!
I'm happy you didn't give up on me!
***** ***** *****
It was a beautiful "cool" 72 degrees and muggy on the porch this morning. Had coffee and sketched in the big book with a Prismacolor 05. That has a bigger nib than I usually use. 03 is about perfect and the 01 for details. In a set of a variety of sizes I use those the most and the rest just sit there. So....
Number 3, organic - -Number 4, bush -- Number 5, seed (peach pit)
You can see the fog and toward where I was sketching. Gene trimmed the trees and the grass is growing around the trimmings! Well actually Larry and Brandon did most of the trimming. Nice! Now we need to get rid of the sticks.
I did message you on twitter to point out the comment problem people are having with blogger but just figured you were ok with no publishing them :)
they seem to be aware of the problem but people are still having issues with the comment system
Jennifer Rose, thank you for trying. I hardly ever visit Twitter. Sad, I know. The notifications seem to be working now. We shall see. I will try to check the unpublished comments once in a while. I said I'm a ding a ling.
I had mentioned several times in the comments - thinking you were getting the comments, but they were not showing up on the posts. I probably thought that I had mentioned it in an email, but I probably had not. I'm glad you are back on track.
Bag Blog, thanks so much. I have learned not to rely on Google to let me know, I will check occasionally. Ha. I can't say for sure that I am on track .... ever.
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