You should read about Joanna on my blog. Here is a link to some of the posts:
I will copy part of the birthday post from 2009:
It is Joanna's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Joanna!
Does it fall to the oldest to be the responsible, caretaker child? Joanna has been the person we call on for taking care of our house, money, other children, etc. She took care of Jennie during Jennie's Junior and Senior year of high school and our house. And much, much more. She takes care of friends and co-workers, too.
She is our tech support and adviser in our computer world. We started out with hand me down computers from Joanna. We can complete each others sentences. I can't say enough good things about her.
Here are all the kiddos in Bolivia, just a few years ago. Ha. David, Larry, Joanna and Jennie.
We all love Joanna. We will see her and celebrate with a brisket lunch after while.
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Also to Cody and Jerry.......(cousins)
Happy Independence day to the good old USA! So proud to be an American!! Thanks to those that keep us free!
Home Front
Pastel, 11 x 14 on Pastelbord
Thanks, Mom. Big hug!
Happy Birthday to Joanna!!
Happy birthday to Joanna!
Happy 4th of July and Happy Birthday to Joanna. I love the photo of the kids when they were little. How do they grow up so fast?
happy birthday to Joanna! :)
No wonder she is such a firecracker. And a fine one at that! Happy birthday Joanna. Remember, God danced the day you were born.
Hope you folks enjoy your summer in the mountains...and hope it is cooler there than in south central Texas.
Thanks all, I’ll pass this on to Joanna.
Thanks for commenting when you were being ignored,
Thanks, everyone!
And there is Joanna! Happy Birthday once more.
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