His birthday arrives near the Super Bowl and we end up celebrating later, like next weekend. That is the plan this year. We hope to see Larry today, however. We will go to San Marcos for a late lunch with him.
He works much of the time so we are very happy when we get to spend time with him. You can see his beautiful work on his website. You can find him on facebook and Instagram as well to see his w
Here is a selfie he took a while back, commenting that he was as close to golf as he will get for a while. He does like to swing a club and can hit the ball a mile.
Larry on location.
Wikipedia has an interesting page about the Magdalena Mountains.
Happy Birthday, Larry!
Thanks, Bag Blog, from Larry. Smiling.
Love that photo of Larry and Grandma. Can you send me the original? :-)
Joanna, it is a good one. I will send it. It probably isn't very big, one of my first point and shoot cameras.
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