We are on the road to Bastrop. It was only 60 degrees along the way today. Will be near 100 when we get to Bastrop tomorrow, sigh.... It rained in front of us most of the way today until we got to the plains of Texas. There was even some green with wild flowers near Clines Corners in New Mexico.
Joanna and Jennie got out to the house today. The notice was true, the house is gone. They could recognize a few things, but mostly it is crumpled metal. The amazing thing is that Joanna's car is fine. It was in the driveway. The paint is singed on one side and the rubber around the rear view mirrors was melted a little. It started right up! Fires are weird.
Here are a few photos from Joanna's and Jennie's phones. (I stole these from their fb pages in case you don't see those)
Where they waited to get in. |
The front. |
Side front from drive. The Bolivian lady pots survived. |
The front a short time ago. |
The lady pots from a bit of an angle. |
Gosh - so sad. If it weren't for the brick you'd hardly know it had ever existed.
Isn't it weird how a fire can leave things completely untouched?
I hear Carol and David Marine are going to relocate to Oregon - I think they like the idea of rain!
Hope you get sorted soon re "where next" for the longer term. One level sounds good.
The frog next to the foot of the stairs was smushed. Something must've fallen on it from your studio.
I wrote to one of my friends who has family in Bastrop. They were untouched by the fire. Now they are storing lots of things for people who have no place to put stuff. Joanna's car not being burned is just wild. Hang in there, Jo.
Katherine, it is surreal. We will see the "house" today. Joanna sent more photos and so weird. I guess that Oregon will be good for Carol. I couldn't take the gray skies. We had earthquakes in South America, tornadoes in Lubbock, TX, dust and drought in New Mexico, etc. We knew about fire in the trees. Where do you go? We will probably stay somewhere close.
Joanna, you are probably right about the frog. The iron bedstead benches are there. Ha.
Bag Blog, the house across the street is OK, up on the hill, you would think fire would go up.
Thanks you guys.
We are all thinking of you Jo, today will be very hard on you and I am glad you have Joanna to lesson the blow.
These photos are very sad.But at least now you have seen what to expect.Your poor home.. So sad.
My hugs and thoughts go out to you and the family.
Driving down McAllister, it looks like the hardest hit places were the lowest...where the fire could settle and smolder. Maybe? I dunno.
My verification word for this comment is "imist"...can't decide it it would be better or worse to get some rain right now. Obviously, the trees and plants really need it. But, it would turn what's left at the house into an awful ashy muddy mess.
Thanks, Rae. What a surprise when we came in the trailer and found some goodies. I will talk about that soon! :) The house ruins are just that, we have memories. Joanna is a blessing to us. Jennie and Brandon and Larry will be out tomorrow to "sift". Won't find much I bet.
Joanna, it was weird driving through and seeing how the fire skipped around. Makes you wonder for sure. Guess the ashes will float away on the water to some other poor place. :(
It's difficult to imagine how hard this must be, and it's good to have family there to help you. One day at a time. We're thinking of you all..
Regina, so true, it was a hard day. Guess with all of us there the memories were much more intense and close to our hearts. Interesting what is recognizable, too. Not very much.
Wow Jo. Shocking to see the photos, I just can't imagine how this must feel for you. Just know you are in our thoughts and please keep us posted. Hugs
Barbara, it is shocking and then multiplied by 1500+ homes and families. Thank for your note. Many hugs, back.
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