Number 4, bear - I sketched this candle holder, it is about a foot tall, very cute. It appears to be ceramic with a metal leaf and artificial pine bough and pine cones. The trunk is like an aspen, though. It is in the large letter size paper sketchbook about a half a page. I started in in my small sketchbook and didn't have room for the bear. :) Sketched with a ball point pen, Pilot.

I have pointed to FineArtViews by Clint Watson many times. This article by Lori Woodward Simons is so much the way I am. Sigh...... Did you already read it? She suggests that we, the out of sight, out of mind persons, put out what we want to work on the night before so we start right away. Should have done that! It is 11:00 a.m. and I'm still at the computer and not painting or experimenting. So here I go...... See you next blog-- oh, just thought of what to blog about -- oh, no, better go paint!
Was worried when I saw the title that y'all had seen a bear! Whew. Cute sketch.
I like the bear candle and your watercolor is very nice. You have a light touch and that is good.
Hi Joanna, yes, someone mentioned here they had seen a bear. I saw in the paper this morning where someone was killed by a bear in Yellowstone. Yikes.
Thanks, Bag Blog. I do try watercolors once in a while. I am not patient with them. Practice, practice, ....
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