I had my Mother's Day yesterday. Gene is driving to Albuquerque today, so we celebrated yesterday. Joanna, Jennie and Larry were here. Gene cooked a brisket and it was sooooo good. We watched the UT Baseball game ( they won!), visited and ate too much. Joanna got some chocolate covered strawberries at HEB (grocery store). They were huge!
So today was very quiet here. Gene left around 5:30 a.m. I got up later, read the paper, e-mail, etc. I listened to the UT Baseball game. The Longhorns won 6 - 5. It was a nerve wracking game. They clinched the Big 12 Conference win with the win yesterday, so today was to win the series. You can read about the games on Joanna's Longhorn Baseball Page with links to the official Longhorn page and other articles.
I might mention that we get a little picky when we listen to the play by play by Craig Way and Keith Moreland. Bill Little also fills in when one of the other two are traveling or doing something else. We grumble when their call is a little different than we think it should be. Keith has a horrible time pronouncing names. But ... in the end, we have the best announcers that I have heard for any other teams. They know the Longhorns, they know the opponents and they know college baseball. I wish you could check out the difference for yourselves. I thank them for their hard work.
I also ate one of the strawberries and had a glass of wine during the game. I debated on opening the bottle of wine Jennie gave me yesterday, but decided to save it for another special occasion. It is Casillero del Diablo, Cabernet Sauvignon, one of my favorites. I also imported my new CD that Joanna gave me to iTunes and listened. Nice music, pretty country, True Unity by Chuck Pyle. I had not heard him or of him. I like it.
I also took this little video for you.
There was a tented area set up in the grocery store where they were dipping and decorating the strawberries. I couldn't believe how big the strawberries were and couldn't resist getting some for you.
And, the puppy is cute.
Happy Mother's day...one more time!
Love you!
Thank you, Joanna. I have one strawberry left! The little toy is cute, I guess he will go live at my Studio. Ha.
Happy Belated Mother's Day. I think the strawberries were about the same size as the dog.
Bag Blog, hope your day was great! You made me laugh!
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