Then today I sketched in the regular sketchbook with a Micron 03 pen. I am listening to the Longhorn game and the Horns are ahead 9 - 0 in the fourth inning. May end on the 10 run rule. Hmmm. (Shouldn't have said that!! They whomped us once when the Horns were ahead 8 - 0 and they scored 31 runs .... yes, 31) I think they don't have any pitching left in this last game of the series to do that again. Ooops, already 12-0 by the time I finished typing that. A three run homer by Jonathan Walsh.
I am going to the Austin Pastel Society meeting after the game. Libby Peters is giving a demo on portrait painting. She does great portraits. Our pastel society has many accomplished artists. The members are a friendly and sharing group.
This is my last meeting as President. We install the new officers in June. It has been an interesting two years. Mostly fun, but a few stressing moments. It will be nice to be lazy and not "have" to be at the meetings. I am going to come up with some sort of newsletter for the group. More about that later.
It is Albert's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Albert. (Gene's oldest brother .. he will not see this.)
Nice sketches! I particularly noticed the lettering of "Fritos".. great job! (lettering is not one of my favorite things to do)
Thanks, Teresa. I'm not very good at lettering without working at it. Joan that comments here all the time is so good at it in her Scavenger Hunt sketches. Amazing.
glad you're sketching something- looked at the slide show....wow, you have a good collection of work.
Hi there Azul, thank you soooo much. Many years there, :)
You have a calling as the junk food painter Queen, and I fear you're ignoring it... :-)
Awww, Regina. Don't you know I would have to eat the props! Not good!
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