It is easier to update my website now with Dreamweaver to just point and click for links and the pictures. It was so slow to type in every html code for three or four pages when I moved a painting from "Available" to "Archives" for example. I won't bore you with the details of that. I am working on getting all my archives, links, plein air adventures and such back on my site. They probably don't get many views, but I like having them there so that I can look up things easily and they are there stored nicely in order, a little history, so to speak.
I am now ready to get out a "monthly" newsletter which I haven't done since July. Sorry to those of you that signed up and have not received any. When we get back from Kentucky I will get out the Christmas issue and will hopefully be back on track.
My blogger artist for today is Robin Neudorfer in California. She has a plein air excursion for her post today. I think she is another artist I "met" on Check out her Still Life Drawings, too. They are great.
I like your seasonal still life!!! I'll have to go check out your web page. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Hi Joan, thank you so much. I only have about a third of what I used to have on my page. Lots of work to go.
I checked out your web page and all looked well.
Bag Blog, thank you so much. It still needs work, but it is getting back to the way I like it.
Jo: Very neat painting and right in season. Tell Gene I send a hi his way.
fishing guy, thank you so much. Gene says hi and Happy Thanksgiving, too!
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