The birthday ride went well. Started off cool but was a nice day. Gene said he wimped out and only made 81.25 miles of his 100 mile goal. I don't call that wimpy! I ended up doing crosswords and not sketching. There isn't really time to sketch well or do a painting between stops. I can't concentrate watching for Gene and the traffic. I thought there was a lot of traffic. He didn't notice that, he said. It is all two lane with a very wide shoulder and the people don't take care in passing. Oh my. I'll include a couple of photos and post some on my Picasa albums from both days of the trip for when you have time.

We stopped at the Rio Grande Gorge for some photos.
We drove back to Taos for his birthday dinner at Orlando's. It is a nice place with patio and is very colorful. The food is Mexican, but not really New Mexican or Old Mexican. It is good though and our meals there are very relaxing. Both times we have eaten there it has been early. I understand there is a long wait later in the evening. They put a chimenea on the patio in the winter time and serve hot chocolate while you wait outside. Could be pretty cold, eh? They serve beer and wine and wine maigaritas (or mikearitas or some such) instead of tequila margaritas. Here is a blog entry about Orlando's with some photos of the restaurant.
I drove home from there and we had a quiet evening. Good birthday all in all......with calls, e-mails and cards for Gene.
We drove back to Taos for his birthday dinner at Orlando's. It is a nice place with patio and is very colorful. The food is Mexican, but not really New Mexican or Old Mexican. It is good though and our meals there are very relaxing. Both times we have eaten there it has been early. I understand there is a long wait later in the evening. They put a chimenea on the patio in the winter time and serve hot chocolate while you wait outside. Could be pretty cold, eh? They serve beer and wine and wine maigaritas (or mikearitas or some such) instead of tequila margaritas. Here is a blog entry about Orlando's with some photos of the restaurant.
I drove home from there and we had a quiet evening. Good birthday all in all......with calls, e-mails and cards for Gene.
Congrats on the 81 miles - it is more than I want to do. Toby is riding the 100K on Saturday while I do the 25 miles. I'm the wimp here. Happy Birthday to Gene, again.
Bag Blog, thank you. We are wishing you two the best as well. I can't go one mile! I fall over. Ha. Thinking of you.
Bag Blog, thank you. We are wishing you two the best as well. I can't go one mile! I fall over. Ha. Thinking of you.
Jo: Really nice captures of Gene doing his ride. Congrats Gene on going 81 miles. I could drive that in a little more then an hour but it would take me a week to ride it.
fishing guy, I'll pass on the nice words to Gene. I can't believe he is OK. Not too sore or achy. The old legs are in pretty good shape I guess.
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