We are in the beginnings of our summer travels. Not as smooth communication wise as we would hope, but I suppose it is all relative. We used to take off and use land line phones only (maybe every other day) and didn't know we were out of touch. In Canada a few years ago, Gene would get his newspapers a day late and he didn't mind too much. Now we can't be an hour or so without communicating with someone.
We left on the Fourth of July. I worked on some sketches for Scavenger Hunt #137. I sketched in the moving car with a Micron 05 pen in my 7 x 10 inch sketchbook, freehand, as always. Also in Magdalena after we arrived.

Number 1, smells good. Popcorn picked up at a quick stop for gasoline. Number 2, shiny. The rim around the air conditioner vent is chrome. Not a great rendition. May try that again later.

Number 3, hot. The highway with the skyline disappearing in the distance. Number 4, fresh. These wild asters and tumbleweeds were fresh after the rain when we got to Magdalena. Yes, rain!! It may rain at home in Bastrop today, I sure hope so. It is badly/greatly needed.

Number 5, old. The view from the motel room in my "old" hometown of Magdalena.
I always take photos, even though we have been down this road many, many times. I take some photos of the same spots over and over.

A horse trailer between Bastrop and Austin. It has room for 5 horses and has a motor home in the front part. We always used bedrolls and the back of the pickup to haul food, etc. We would just sleep on the ground. My Dad would have loved a trailer like that, sigh.......

This is a cottonfield between San Angelo and Big Spring, Texas. I have taken this photo with stacks and stacks of cotton bales. They were about to have a downpour. We were in a little rain along the way. Boy, was that nice?

Arriving in New Mexico. this is not the prettiest port of entry. :) This is on Highway 380.

This is still Highway 380 as you come to San Antonio, New Mexico, the mountains are by Magdalena and the trees and salt cedars are along the Rio Grande. Look at those clouds.
When we arrived at the motel in Magdalena we had a nice rain. We started into town after the rain and as we neared the arroyo, we were talking and wondering if the arroyo might run water. We used to go watch the water arrive from the mountains when we lived there .. it was a highlight and something fun to do.

We got to the bridge over the arroyo and didn't see any water, then we looked toward the mountains and could see the headwater coming around the bend near the center of the photo.

I got out and took photos and movies from the bridge. The water was moving pretty quickly.

As the water filled the arroyo, you see some folks watching the water. Guess the fascination still holds true ... and not much to do in Magdalena but watch the runoff.

I always have to get a photo of the Ladrone Mountains. Why do they seem so interesting to me? Maybe because they sit all alone in the flats. I always take a photo and have painted them once.

More interesting clouds and the Manzano Mountains on the way to Albuquerque. No more rain here, yet.
Nice photos...I especially like the cotton field one. Too bad the antenna's in the way! You people and your drive-by photography. :)
I love the cotton field shot. That begs to be painted many times.
lovely sketches, and photos.....I liked the vent sketch best...it has lots of character and had no trouble seeing what it was.....Lovely landscapes for painting there...
Joanna, I did get a photo of the cotton field with no antenna, but it wasn't as nice an angle, etc. I didn't trim it much. Ha.
Donna, thanks for being here. I hope to paint it one day.
Azul, thank you so much. I'm so glad you have the new blog that is easier for me to get to. :)
These are wonderful photographs. I have not been to this part of the US, so it is really nice to see it through your camera lens. Thanks for sharing these.
Love the photos, Jo!!! Thanks for sharing them. It is funny how all of a sudden we need contact with people all the time. I still only use my cell on rare occasions and usually keep it turned off, but need the contact with the internet. Good sketches for the hunt. I love that you sketched things in and out of the car!
What great sky photos, Jo. Hope all is going well there, and that you are much cooler than here!
Regina, thank you so much. It is cooler so far, but no internet at the hotel. I'm having a latte at the local coffee shop and doing e-mail. :)
Miki, thank you. As the internet gets better I will post more photos.
Joan, thank you. I can't believe how isolated I feel. I'm having to use an internet cafe. :)
Just your photos of the NM sky make me homesick. When we used to pull our horse trailer and haul kids to 4H events, we packed a tent and sleeping bags and thought it was great fun.
Gosh, that was fun! I've never been to N.M. so I enjoyed the little photo "tour". You're such a dedicated sketcher! I especially liked the asters. Interesting about the "arroyo"... never heard that term before. Yes, we live sheltered lives down here in rural NC ;-)
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