A few photos from the day. I have slow adjusting of the photos as well as the slow internet, so only a few.
I was attempting to keep score, so didn't take many photos during the game. Horns lost to Baylor, 9-14. Ouch. Baylor had an 8 run inning, hard to come back from that. Today should be better, right? The Horns play Kansas. (We plan to meet Bag Blog, Lou and her husband, at the game. Is that fun? We have been blogging buddies for a couple of years!) You can read about the games on Joanna's Longhorn Baseball Page with links to the Big 12 and the Longhorn Official page.
We are staying in an extended stay place, same brand as we use in Albuquerque. That one is new and nice. This one is old and not top notch. The advantage to old is that I can hook up my old iBook with cable to the internet and don't have to use Gene's computer. The internet is so slow, it is like dial-up. I will change my blog a little, I would never wait for it to open if my internet was this slow. You will see some changes soon. I will leave off the followers and the rolling blog roll and ??? You will be able to check my links anyway without waiting for those perks for high speed and problems for slow speed. :)
We had a great time with you at yesterday's games. That bat-boy was too cute.
Bag Blog, we had fun, too. I just can't talk fast enough, too many years to cover.....
(my sign in letters: hunateap I think tuna heap, why always food?)
I'm so glad you are able to upload when you are away and that you continue to share your sketches and super photos!!!
I like the baseball pics and the sketch of the boat. Have you tried sketching the players?
Joan, thank you!
Donna, Thank you, too. I posted some sketches today.
Sorry to both of you that I am so slow in answering.
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