We didn't golf today, it was just too windy. I started working on Income Taxes. Yuck, a good "Y"! It is good to get started then I can work in the evenings and paint in the daytime. After noon, I went to volunteer at the Family Crisis Center for a couple of hours.
While I was there, Gene went shopping, yes!! Thank you Gene! Then he fixed dinner! Thank you Gene! We had Creole Jambalaya, which was excellent! Thank you Gene!
So, no time to finish the oil painting that I am working on.
I almost forgot to add the blogs of the day, number 4 and 5.
- Byrd and Street - this is not a blog, it is a web site for great music. Their songs and new album is soon to be released. Go check it out. Tommy and Kathy are visual artists as well, the music is so fine. Fishing Guy you will like it!
- Rick Lee - photographer. His blog has photos he takes with a small camera on the road to his photo shoots and for fun. His grocery shopping on Thursdays is always fun.
Love that ivy Jo!
You are so impressive do all these hunts...I could never keep up with that. I'm just trying to finish one sketchbook and keep counting the pages until the end. :D
Hi Rose, It sure isn't easy. Sketching is a chore for me. I post or I wouldn't do it most of the time. Today it was a good pass time.
Jo: I enjoyed your hand sketch the best.
Thank you, fishing guy. We, Scavenger Hunters, have sketched many hands now. Guess the practice helps.
I know for sure that all these hunts make me draw and paint better. There are few things now that I hesitate to try drawing. (Is that good or bad? lol) Love the painting of the mountain below...the changes really make a difference!
No wonder you don't read art books... you're too busy actually MAKING art!! (hmmm... maybe there's a lesson there for me?)
Love your sketches. When I first looked at your bubble gum container it looked like "Hubble, Bubble" written on it (I wear monovision contacts which causes a slight shadow around the letters on my monitor) and I immediately thought (and this is a blast from the past... the LONG past!) of the scene in Hamlet where the three witches stir the cauldron chanting "Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble"!! Or something like that. No, I'm not intoxicated... just having a Monday on a Tuesday!
Joan, yes, the Scavenger Hunts keep me focused on sketching, I'm lazy and don't do it unless I have an excuse. Thank you on the mountain painting.
Teresa, I'm just lazy and procrastinate too much to study art. I should, it would probably improve my techniques. Thanks on the sketches, I do them with the group so I feel guilty if I don't do some. :) I recall that scene .. I think of that once in a while and one about the ides of March. See what I remember and don't need, other things I need, I don't remember. That is life, I guess.
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