I painted with the new Artisan water mixable oils. For one small painting they worked well. I did not order medium for them, so just painted with paint. I didn't try using a knife, this paint may not be quite stiff enough for a big knife painting. We shall see how this painting looks after sitting and drying. So far so good. The odor hasn't caught up with me yet, although now that I'm sitting here, I can smell my hands. I will go wash them again. I cleaned the brushes with Dirty Dog Soap and it has linseed oil in it, I think. Hmmm. No headache yet.

Mountain Sun
8 x 10 inches, oil on canvas
This landscape is in my hometown of Magdalena. I need to get some local scenes painted for my show at the Old Timers Festival in July.
Before I painted we went to play golf. Usually on Thursdays there are so few people at the course that it is like our private golf course. Not today, it is spring break in the Austin area. We still enjoyed the beautiful day, but played poorly. Ah well, we never play great. It is just so nice to be out. It is over 80 degrees F. now.

Golfers at Lost Pines Golf Course

A few bluebonnets at the corner of the highway. We don't have many around here.

A pile of the youpon and brush that Gene worked on yesterday afternoon. With a burn ban on, we will just store it for now.
I like the painting.
Hi Joanna, thank you very much.
I love your Mountain Sun painting. Was the water oils similar to acrylic?
The oils are nice. They felt like oils, but are drying a little dark. Guess that happens when the water evaporates The painting is not dry yet, but will dry faster than regular oils it seems. I will take another photo this a.m. for comparison. I need to fix the mountain top a little as it needs to look like the real thing if I am taking it to Magdalena. Heh, heh.
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