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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rejection ...

My entries to the Austin Pastel Society Annual Juried Exhibition were not in the final fifty selected pieces. We got the word yesterday. If I hadn't put my work out there, I wouldn't have been disappointed, right? If I hadn't posted about it, it wouldn't be so bad, right? Well, I'm not so sure about that.

I was disappointed for most of the day, and was grumbling to family and friends. I received some hugs and nice words to help ease my pride.

I realize that entering any contest is putting your work up to be judged by one person with one digital photo on one day. As an artist, I should be able to accept criticism and realize that my work is not everyone's cup of tea.

I should take my own advice: I encourage artists to enter competitions and put their work on display somewhere. By entering competitions and showing your work publicly, you work harder at your tasks and strive to improve. I ask, do you create art just to sell or win prizes? It is great to sell a piece or get an award, I suppose it is a way of validating your talent and hard work. On the other hand, it is satisfying to complete a painting and know that you have reached a goal or learned something new from the experience. It is just another form of practice. Selling and winning should not be a measure of our own artistic worth.

Because I am a procrastinator and generally lazy about studying and practicing, this serves as a reminder to do the best I can in every piece I do. I have enjoyed drawing and painting for years, but didn't get serious until a few years ago. I know I will never sell a painting for a huge price and will never be a household name in the art world. I accept that but still strive to do the best I can. Sometimes, that is pretty darned good.

My art is a big part of my life, but not the only part. Thankfully, I don't need to make a living from it, but I do consider it more than a hobby. Gene and I are retired and have a good mix; art for me with Gene's support and help, golf and traveling for both of us, and we enjoy family and our life. What could be better?

Well, now that I think about it, maybe win a prize, sell a painting for ten grand, have a studio in Santa Fe (that makes money) and build an art school for starving artists. Oh and win the lottery! Are you with me now???

The rejections:

La Paz, Bolivia, Market
Soft Pastel on Pastelbord, 20 x 16 inches

Reaching for the Sky
Soft Pastel on Pastelbord, 12 x 12 inches

Robles in the Fall
Soft Pastel on panel with pumice and acrylic surface, 18 x 24 inches


Valerie Jones said...

(((HUGS))) I'm sorry, Jo! Just remember that you can enter these same paintings in another show and they could be accepted. Don't be glum. They are beautiful paintings.

Michelle said...

That's so disapointing Jo! I agree with you that it doen't help anything to get down on ourselves. We've got to stay positive and enjoy the process!

Jo Castillo said...

Thank you Valerie. I know that and I am ready to go again. It is just that first realization I suppose. :) I did paint today and sketch!

Jo Castillo said...

Michelle, thank you for your thoughts. As said above, I did paint today ... but in acrylics. Ha.

Joanna said...

That stinks, Mom. :( They're all nice paintings. Hugs...

Bag Blog said...

Who knows what lurks in the minds of judges? Everyone has their own style and taste. I love your art and your attitude. I feel pretty much about art - it is something I do because I enjoy it. Getting recognition or selling a painting is great. But I am not obsessed with trying to get my paintings in galleries and shows.

Rose Welty said...

Jo, you've got your head screwed on right. It is tough as you say, but just keep moving forward, keep enjoying it. I really think that the market one and the Robles one both betray some real maturity in your work...

And, as has been said, judging is such a momentary thing, a different day might reveal a different result. :D The good news is that your is not momentary, it is still here for us all to enjoy!

Jo Castillo said...

Joanna, thanks for the hug. I needed that! :)

Bag blog, true about judges. I know you enjoy your art and it is great. See, I still think we are related!

Rose, you write so well and you are right. Thanks for the lovely words and sentiment. :)

Miki Willa said...

I am sorry this judge did not see the beauty in these paintings. I like them very much. I have pretty much decided that submitting paintings for a juried show has to be a rare thing for me. I have had paintings accepted and rejected, without really understanding the why in either case. Right now, I am working on getting shows in venues that participate in First Friday Art Walks. I really appreciate your positive attitude. It is an inspiration to keep going and always doing my best. Warm wishes, Miki

Kasie @ ~The Art of Life~ said...

I love your work Jo!
I know how hard that feeling of rejection is. Your art is a little piece of yourself so when it's not accepted it feels like you are the one being rejected. I struggle with that a lot.
Like Valerie said, you could enter those same paintings in another show and do wonderful with them. It's all a matter of the personal taste of the judge of that day.
Keep going! (((Hugs!)))

Jo Castillo said...

Miki, Juried shows are a test of our ego for sure. The First Friday sounds great. Those work well as people that go are expecting to see art. Good luck!

Kasie, thank you. It is not rational to feel rejected, but that is the way we are I guess. I whined and grumbled and now feel better, especially with all the kind words here and on wetcanvas. :)

Joan said...

Jo - Love em!!!! To hell with that judge! Like I said on WetCanvas, it's all in the eye of one judge and the results could have been very different with a different judge!

Jo Castillo said...

Joan! LOL, I never heard/read you being so strong minded. I appreciate the sentiment.

I'm already looking at a prospectus for another show. I'm a glutton for punishment. Ha.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Jo: You know that art is what you love and you will continue no matter what. If someone said my photos were not good enough for a show I could accept that. I do it for the love of photography.

Jo Castillo said...

fishing guy, thank you. We always know about not being accepted, but the initial shock takes a minute to wear off, don'tcha know.

Susie of Arabia said...

Gotta admit I'm partial to the saguaros - I grew up in Arizona. You're quite good!

Jo Castillo said...

Thank you Susie, I think the saguaros are the over all favorite. I like the Bolivia market because we lived there and I love Bolivia. See you around...You photography is wonderful.

About Me

My photo
Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los NiƱos. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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