My number 1 is tape dispenser. 10 minutes, Micron 005 in my NY sketchbook. You have heard about that before, but new readers can check it out here. No tape in this dispenser, I haven't found any here in Bastrop. I can probably order some.

Number 2, scissors. My kitchen scissors with black handles. Number 4, beauty product. Some old fashioned lipstick. New ones are skinny and long in two containers ... one for color and one with moisture. I came back to use this space on the page after I did number 3. These took 15 and 10 minutes.

Number 3, bookend (numbered wrong) where was my mind? On TV probably. About 10 minutes. These bookends were a gift from Gene's sister. They have sand paintings on them.

Number 5, bag of popcorn. 10 minutes.
I will also mention that I have been reworking this painting. I'm going back to my original idea on "The Tree". We shall see what you think. It should be done tomorrow. I have never been happy with changing the background, the tree is not in Taos. I also put the mom and boys back in. Nothing like changing your mind.
Love this tree. The greens are fantastic especially the bright ones on the left.
Hi Jeanne, Thank you. I love the tree, too. :) I think you will like the new background and family.
I'm always surprised to see you this late, then I remember you are out west and I am the late one. Ha.
Jo: Very nice sketches, the tape dispencer looks empty. The tree painting is beautiful. Trees always have such a majestic look.
I like the Taos Pueblo piece. It reminds me of being there one St. Jerome Day years ago - that was a very funny day with the kachari men reaking havoc on the people.
Bag Blog, I love Taos, too, but the trees there are much smaller, at least near the pueblo, so I'm "moving" the tree south near Albuquerque and the big trees along the river. :)
I've only visited Taos and never spent time there. Sounds interesting, do I hear a story coming in the RR series?
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