I've been sketching a little to get some art time in. Someone on the Hunt mentioned that I sketch quickly. Sometimes you can tell that more easily as you can see my perspective is out of whack. If you follow my blog, you know that I sketch with a pen and do not do any pencil lines. I try to look/see well and put it down the first time. I have convinced myself that this will help with my painting. If I can put the stroke down right the first time, I will have fewer strokes, less muddy color and an accurate description of my subject. Now I have to practice the painting part!

For Scavenger Hunt 63, #1 Big chair or sofa. Gene's recliner wit the Micron 005, 15 minutes.

#2 Wall clock. One of Gene's clocks that he got in Bolivia. It got wet on one of the moves and came apart in many, many pieces. It had been glued with something that was not waterproof. Gene put new veneer and glued it back together. Looks beautiful now. My sketch does not do it justice.

#3 Computer screen open to wetcanvas.com. This is open to
Joan's sketches, she does sketching with the fewest lines of any of us and they are so good. My copy is not! Ha. She is a watercolor artist. Micron 005 pen, 20 minutes

#4 Something metal. A pewter vase from Bolivia. 20 minutes with a Micron 005 pen.

#5 Camera. My camera that replaced the one I closed in the tailgate. :) About 15 minutes with two Micron 005 pens.
You can tell on these sketches that I was not working too hard on the perspective and ellipses. So .. does it help to sketch, just to sketch? I guess any practice is good.
Jo, I like the idea you have not to use pencil to sketch. I have too much perfectionist in me to only use a pen. lol
Thanks, Valerie. I will never be a perfectionist, I am too impatient. :)
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