#2, Paper Bag, a shopping bag from Foley's done with the old ZIG Millennium . I love that pen and it is about out of ink. About 15 minutes in the NY Sketchbook. I'm using that sketchbook just for the Hunts, but I do sketch for the Hunts in other books, too. Nice to change paper/media sometimes.

#3, Ad in Magazine. Ad from a pastel magazine. About 30 minutes while watching a Hallmark movie last night. With a regular old Pilot ball point pen.
It was so good to see you last night at the Austin Pastel Society meeting, Jo! Your sketch of the ad for Richard McKinley is completely wonderful, by the way.
Say, who was the new gal you were talking with last night? She introduced herself, but what I heard is not matching with my brain or the roster. Short term memory loss embarrasses me daily.
Did you get skinny while you were gone this summer?
Susan, the skinny comment made me chuckle. I'm pretty sure I gained more roundness. Ha.
I will think on the name. Short term, too.
Thanks on the sketch,
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