Remember to click on the photos for a larger image and feel free to comment and critique. I can take it!
I finished the painting of the rocking horse that will be a donation for the Festival of Trees. I conisider this tole painting as craft painting. It took many hours, as tole painting takes several coats of paint and varnish. I cannot imagine that crafters sell their wares as inexpensively as most do. I could have done a painting or two in the same amount of time. Ha. I painted some small rocking horses for a wreath to put around his neck. I will put some close ups of the painted parts and the whole finished product -- hopefully tomorrow evening.
Come on out to the Festival of Trees and bid on this item. :)
Here is a link to the sanded horse, I don't have one of the completely unfinished one. Drat.
Good decision on the eyes. I know you were wondering how to go. I like the way it came out.
I do think you should show a "before" pic before Dad sanded and you painted.
Thanks, Joanna. I think it looks pretty good.
I don't have a photo of the before. I did post one of it being sanded.
It is fun to do projects like that, but I do love painting more. :)
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