So, as a diversion and a way to put off doing things, I am posting these sketches from the Scavenger Hunt. You know you can click on the images to make them bigger and you can comment at the end. Would love to hear what you think. Also in my signature on the blogs, I have Jo Castillo (noblock99) because on this is my e-mail name and some of the artists I post to would not know me as Jo Castillo. I got this name in 99, obviously, when I first started using Yahoo. Interesting? Probably not.
Gene framed the apples and the orange door today. Thank you, Gene!
The sketches today were done with the Pigma Micron 05 pen in the generic sketchbook. It is getting harder and harder to open back that sketchbook. The wires are bending and loosing their grip!
The #6 sketch - open book, is a watercolor book Joanna gave me. She would really like me to do more watercolors. Look Joanna, it is open and I was reading about painting apples! Can't imagine why. Anyway, this sketch reminded me of you.

#7 - hot beverage, is my latte. Gene got me a latte machine when Sue was here visiting as she can't get by without a latte a day. :) So this reminds me of Sue and in honor of Joanna I added the watercolor to it. About 25-30 minutes. I was going to do it over, but decided it was good enough for a sketch. I love blue glass and cups, so I got two to go with the latte machine.

#8 - stove. This is the only stove in this house. Some of the artists had nice cast iron heating stoves to sketch. I started without really thinking about all the ellipsis in the pans or I would have removed them. Argh. So, I hurried through it in about 10 minutes!

I am finding that with all this sketching, it is getting easier. It is also good to use different equipment, which this forum on wetcanvas is encouraging us to do.
I particularly like the sketch of the book. Good stuff.
Thanks. I wonder if sketching will get to be a habit? It is getting easier. :)
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