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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Two Days Blue

You get two days of sketches for the price of one.  For Scavenger Hunt 688 I sketched in the living room on my footstool while we watched TV.  Another two for one idea, right?

We haven't acquired jigsaw puzzles.  We used to have many of them.  This one has been worked a few times, need to get another one.  Gene's mom loved puzzles and would make a new piece if any got lost.  She was very good at that, using cereal boxes for the cardboard and painting them and varnishing them.    We put together many puzzles.

From yesterday for  Scavenger Hunt 688

Number 2, in pieces - a jigsaw puzzle - in the big book with a Micron 02

Today I sketched on the porch.  Gene was on his trike and I was having my morning snack.  I only had my phone with me and thought I should be sketching.  Too lazy to go get the big book and items so just sketched with the App, Brushes, on my iPhone with my fingers and used the items on hand.

 Number 3, man made - shoes and Number 4, blue - jeans.

When I got the sketch on my computer to resize and post here I found that the shoes and socks looked pretty brown.  I didn't want to transfer again so put the sketch in Sketchbook Pro on my computer and spray painted some black over the shoes and socks.  Sort of worked, eh?  I saw that I didn't put in the foot stool so the feet are sort of floating or suspended in the air.  Maybe that was my exercising for today.  


And the real things.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Combination Sketch

The Scavenger Hunts overlap a day on each end of the Hunt.  The clever side of me thought it would be fun to overlap my last sketch from Hunt 687 with the first sketch of Hunt 688.  It works for the sketch but made for a duplicate post on the Hunts on wetcanvas.  That is boring, right? 

For 687, Number 10 - something in a bottle, lens cleaner
For 688, Number 1 - fabric, cloth for lens cleaning
Sketched in the big book with a Micron 02.  As usual, out on the porch.  Lovely morning.

For Hunt 687 yesterday, Number 9 - view in a drawer, looking in a drawer in Gene's desk.  Electric/electronic stuff.

Drawn at the desk in the big book with a Pilot ballpoint pen.

I worked on the pastel painting.  I think it is done, it needs to sit a while again.  I did have a very square shadow like from a roof but not possible out in the forest.  I changed that and varied the path a bit more, it was very straight like a sidewalk.   Very hard for me to go back after a painting sits so long.  Boring like the duplicate post of the sketch. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Numbers Sketches

The numbering of sketches goes well when all the sketches are consecutively drawn in the big book.  When the medium and surface wander, the numbers seem to get out of order.  I will blame old age and go from there.  I could look them all up and count .. but not necessary.  It is a rare Hunt that all 26 items get sketched.

So for Scavenger Hunt 687 ...

Number 7 or 8 - view in front of you.  In the big book with a Lamy pen.  Artistic license to leave out some of the items. 
Number 8 or 9 - hanging.  In the big book out on the porch.  I used Zig Millenneum 05 pens.  The same old geranium plant.  I put in a bit of the shed so that can be and extra building to go along with the Washateria.
This is the second summer we are spending in Bastrop.  It is hot and muggy  ... the reason we always headed north and to the mountains.  Luckily we do not have to work outside.  Is that a good part of getting old?  Hmmm.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Sketches Hard

Sketching shouldn't be hard.  It should be a way to make progress in your art, try something new, practice and relax.  My sketching is practice for the most part.  I have been posting my sketches here and online.  My blog is sort of a journal with sketches, paintings and life.  Sketchbooks can be full of notes and ideas and are not generally open to the public.  I've done more sketching because I do post them.  I feel guilty if I don't do my "homework".  Sketching is good for you whether you post it to the world or not.  Up to you!

I could possibly have more readers if I focused just on art with lots of "how to" and art history.  Art for me is part of my life but not the most important part.  So my loyal readers are stuck with my "life" as well.

One of the items on Scavenger Hunt 687 was "hard".  We can make our own interpretations.  I chose to make it something that is hard not soft,  as opposed to difficult.  Sometimes they are interchangeable, eh?

For the Hunt,  You can click on the images to see them larger.

Number 7 (I think), hard - a china cup at the Texas Grill.  I didn't think to sketch my "different" cup on a coaster until we were almost ready to leave.  This is about a 2 minute sketch with Gene's pen.  I added the green at home with a Sharpie fine line marker/pen.  It wasn't difficult.

On the 23rd, I sketched in the big book with a Pilot ballpoint pen and colored pencils.  Gene's favorite wine in a box.  The Cabernet is from Chile so that makes it better.  Joanna gave us cookies in the can(s) at Christmas.  I bought some more cookies to replace the ones we ate.  The cans make great storage for shortbread cookies.  The other can is red plaid.  This sketch was more difficult.  I had a bit of a perspective problem in my freehand drawing.

For the Hunt Number 2 and 3, in a box and in a can.

For the July Challenge on wetcanvas, Southwest and Western forum, I sketched in an Art Street sketchbook the miniature horses we saw when we were looking for a house in Bastrop in 2011.  We try to do paintings for that forum.  A sketch is better than nothing.  This is freehand with a Micron 02.

I worked on the  cactus blooms photo that I put in the challenge.  I attempted a watercolor.  It did not come out well enough to post here ... it stays in the Art Street sketchbook.  As I said, not all sketches and notes are public info.

About Me

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Bastrop, Texas, United States
I Grew up in a small town , Magdalena, New Mexico. I enjoy art and the pleasure other people get from my work. I always donate some of my sales and art to charities, especially for children. That started in Bolivia with Para los NiƱos. "I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns." -- Winston Churchill


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