Pretty easy to find a handle around here. So many coffee mugs. I was using this one today. Joanna/Santa put it in my stocking for Christmas. The blue on the handle was an accident in the kiln the artist said. Fun so Joanna got it for me. The mug is a bit taller than regular coffee mugs, would be good for hot chocolate. I enjoyed my coffee in it today. Thanks, Joanna.
Number 3, thing with handle. A bit wonky but that is me today. Sharpie pen and watercolor in the large Canson Mix Media sketchbook.
Cloudy and cold today. High of about 50 I think. We will go to physical therapy for Gene so will get in another sketch probably.
I sketched at my computer desk in low desk lamp light. My reason for the difference in the color and blue spots.
Nice looking mug. A tall one helps keep the coffee warm longer. lol Did you ever do ceramics? I took 2 semesters of it and have a few pieces I could use for doorstops because they are so heavy. I never got good at thinning the walls. lol
Hi Joan, thanks. The mug was good for my coffee, it will be used often. I never studied ceramics. As a kid we painted pre-made items and they were fired for us. I did make a few flat pieces, roll and cut, ornaments, with my friend Lea and she fired them. I liked it a lot but decided I didn't need another expensive hobby. I liked playing in the mud!
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